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What a crazy and trecherous world guys

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    this guy basically said a yard was declared no good in california by the whites like anyone on there would be stabbed if they tried going to other prisons or yards but they remained. basically if they let it function against the higher up or gang leaderships wishes or for a number of reasons a yard can be declare dno good. So some guys from the hole or maybe some of thes higgher ups were sent from the hole or shu to the yard to make it good and basically they got stabbed:

    shows you guys how trecherous and dangerous prison is. you can be on some yard and all of a sudden its no good and if you have friends there or want to stay for some reason maybe you have a job there or are getting close to release or doing some programs or you simply dont have it in you to attack someone in a harsh enough way to get sent out to a diff yard or prison or want to (since this one could be close to ur visits for instance) than it is no good and youll be stabbed maybe killed sent to other yards prisons later like they do random transfers even or even in the hole or shu with another supposed good white gang member or inmate told to get you. And these guys seemed to have been so against the grain and that stupid gang shit and politics they ended up stabbing them off the yard who tried to make it supposedly good lol. crazy world.
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