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Should Kafka go back to facebook and stay off NIS?

  1. #81
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood having sex with dogs

    that's pretty vanilla now
  2. #82
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rape Monster What are ur weird fetishes

    umm, i like stockings & ankles and wrists and stuff. Bracelets are kinda cool too, ankle bracklets, wrists or whatever. I'm a lower joint peeper.
  3. #83
    Bradley Black Hole
    I think it's kinda ironic that I enjoy slapping, spanking, biting and choking bitches but if I feel the smallest amount of pain someone intends for me to feel my entire body locks up, i lose my erection and I am uninterested.

    I don't need to do the slapping, spanking, biting and choking but I enjoy it if they do, but like if someone starts giving me a hickey, they can feel my entire body lock up and flex within a second and I hate it and we can try again later or never when they don't need to do that.

    Kinda a weird sexual proclivity IMO because normally people like the shit that they're doing to others done to them, but not I said the weirdo named Bradley.
  4. #84
    Bradley Black Hole
    I also have a tendency to push them off of me and say "stop" and get like forceful if they don't. Some people think that's cute and those people are not for me.
  5. #85
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders I thought jedis were 2 percent of the population

    60% of this list.
  6. #86
    Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    60% of this list.

    Table session, SF library

    Film Concept for spec-script

    Johnny walks in with an AR-15 hidden under his overcoat. Walks past the table to check if any civilians outside of the window are clear from strays or possible shrapenal from broken glass. Johnny doesn't want a collateral damage incident on his hands.

    He then walks to the front enterence of the table session some 12 feet back and....
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