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So I might be getting my own place

  1. #1
    My IRL friend (who is gay and has a ex-military boyfriend with a massive gun collection) works for this company that cares after mentally ill and retarded people.
    He switched companies recently and now mostly works with higher functioning people aka autists and assburgers.
    He told me that his company could get me into a house or apartment and get me on disability and I think the company will also help out with rent and expenses, I'm not sure.

    Though my mom doesn't wnat to be left alone so she's probably going to be my roommate

    But yeah

    I'm hoping it'll be a house so I'll have more privacy and can resume my life in full.

    The fat whore next door has called the cops on me three more times since NYE, making this a total of like six or seven times the pig has called the police on me for playing my music.
  2. #2
    blaster master victim of incest
  3. #3
    Maybe you should turn down your shitty music.
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    A life in stagnation and slow death
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Solstice Maybe you should turn down your shitty music.

    hey youre mean. dont be a shitty asshole. his music is raw it is industrial after all.
  6. #6
    blaster master victim of incest
  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Damn 😍 send that in to penthouse

    I heard OP is quite the brown rock noser 👃
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