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Recurring regrets and how I'm not going to regret it anymore.

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Since getting out of rehab 4 years ago I feel like I have come a long way and accomplished quite a lot, all of which at one time I never thought I would get the day to see.
    This thread is about my work experience since then.
    My first job I was so grateful to even get I didn't even care at the time it only paid $10/hr.
    My thinking was that I didn't have many options anyways and to land a job close enough to my mother's house where I was living outweighed the lack of wages as I didn't have a car and was solely dependent on my own 2 feet or more often rides from people.
    My dumbass fell in love with it and didn't focus very hard on getting out of my situation.
    Even though I wasn't making enough money to even get out on my own or get a car at the time I could at least afford to get drunk enough to let my worries wash away.
    After a few nickel and dime raises over a couple years I realized that it wasn't going anywhere and although I made a bunch of friends I still was financially fucked.
    When it finally hit me that I needed to switch jobs I was regretting the fact I hadn't done it a year prior as I was switching to as job that I had been accepted to many months before but didn't take as I was holding out for something that I should have known wasn't going to happen.

    From there I moved on to a distribution center working with kid shoes. I was thrilled that the heaviest thing to lift was light up kid shoes and the pay was better too. Quickly I found myself financially more stable and a lot more relaxed. I got several raises in a few short months and thought it was a good job. Shit started to throw up red flags as the guy who referred me to work there had quit and advised me to quit also but at the time I was happy and content. Maybe he foresaw what was coming of the place but I didn't.
    As a precaution I started to look for other work and quickly found a better paying job only for another raise to come right before I was to officially start which kept me at the distrishoesion center another 6 months. During those 6 months work slowed to a crawl and my savings slowly vanished away as I held on for what once again I should have seen wasn't going to happen.
    At the end of last year things really sank in that I should have taken that other job as I watched my shitty employer fire 2/3rd of the work force the week of Christmas. The following month my pay went from $19 an hour to $17 an hour because my boss thought he could get the dumbasses (like myself) that worked there still to do the same job for less money. Several people immediately quit and within a week I was gone too.

    Now I am at my 3rd job in a year but I'm making double what I was making when I first got out of rehab. The work is a lot easier as I've gained some experience from my last 2 jobs and hopefully this time will be able to not throw a fit when it comes to not understanding shitty business practices that hurt workers and instead just immediately go searching for better.
    Right now I haven't seen any red flags at my new job. I thought I might have when my supervisor said that 3 weeks prior half our shift wasn't here but I found out that was not because anyone left but because they brought more people on board.

    The first day and a half of my new job consisted of some very basic training that had me working with someone else and it probably wouldn't have even been that long had a boss from corporate not been visiting. I got absolutely no instruction/training on how to use their forklifts and figured it out for myself while driving one as soon as I got clocked in which was sketchy at best but I've gotten better. It is another distribution job and the stuff they ship weighs a lot more but in return I don't have to pick as much as fast and I don't have to stack anything very high either as most of the product weighs between 50 and 120 pounds.
    My plan s to continue my new job and have a great time doing it but also to remember that when things just don't feel right it is okay to go feel out some other places and waiting around for something to happen is dumb.

    I'm going to keep chasing dollars and won't be listening to management anymore when they come and say dumb shit like "hang in their guys, next month is going to be better".
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    PUMP and fucking SLAM man that's what us warehouse goys do is PUMP and SLAM

    50 to 120 is a lot. I mostly deal with light shit but I pump and slam so fucking hard I injure myself and the days go real long. It's all for the money though us pumpers and slammers are building the world we want to see

    gotta use that money wise and well and invest it good
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    really proud of you fonaplats and all the achievements in the 4 years since you were in rehab.

    I don't know if i would be able to make such drastic GAINZ in improvement, but i plan to apply for even BETTER jobs when i get out like that gas station one and I'm hoping that i convinced SOMEONE to give me a job for 22$ an hour OR MORE based on my job experience (which my two friends that own companies will lie for me to achieve) and be honest this time about my criminal convictions which are numerous.

    FUck 16$ an hour i want 22$ to do secretarily work like sending emails and answering phones and basic book keeping and scheduling practices for some guy ihave sex with perioidically.

    How difficult you think that would be?
  5. #5
    Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley FUck 16$ an hour i want 22$ to do secretarily work like sending emails and answering phones and basic book keeping and scheduling practices for some guy ihave sex with
  6. #6
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    My first week out of a year in jail I was making 40 an hr roughly

    Didn't want to work that hard so took a pay cut and am now in school and working full time at a different place averaging about 25 an hr.

    I can't wait until I get a couple degrees and can hopefully get a job with a chair and a desk
  7. #7
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Too long, didn't read. Got far enough to realize you didn't actually regret anything and that you'll just keep making the same dumb ass mistake which is blowing money on bullshit.
  8. #8
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Too long, didn't read. Got far enough to realize you didn't actually regret anything and that you'll just keep making the same dumb ass mistake which is blowing money on bullshit.

    Do you regret beating your daughters or have you learned to regret that?
  9. #9
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Sudo Do you regret beating your daughters or have you learned to regret that?

    Didn't happen, so no.
  10. #10
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Didn't happen, so no.

    You were convicted after lengthy proceedings and sentenced to 8 months. Sounds like you are still a danger to children everywhere
  11. #11
    AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Sudo You were convicted after lengthy proceedings and sentenced to 8 months. Sounds like you are still a danger to children everywhere

    No idea what you're talking about.
  12. #12
    Bradley Florida Man
    saying you don't know what we're talking about doens't change thte fact you beat your little girls bad enough to cause the judge to give you 8 months despite your tear jerking sentencing letter to the court and victims

    Why did you have 3 kids? Wasn't it apparent to you and namoo that you're unfit to be a parent after 1?
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