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It's going to SNOW!!!

  1. #1
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Everyone is just loosing there shit around my town.
    I went down to the store to pickup some vodka and what ever and people are all like "OH NO It's GOING TO SNOW!!"
    Today is THURSDAY THE STORM HITS ON Friday calm down people.
    Me I don't really care if I loose power I have a fucking wood stove and a tons of booze and weed."OH what if your food spoils in the fridge?"
    Guess what dip shits there's 2 feet of snow out there that I can pack it in.
    Fuck! all these stupid assholes need to just die.

    This is what people are like.
    I also found this tune today that I liked .
    I generally don't like rap type shit but I found this to be funny and true.

    So hopefully I wont DIE!! over the weekend due to some precipitation.
  2. #2
    AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    I think this dude used to post on Zoklet.
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