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Dont simplify this with a simple answer

  1. #21
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    I had a doctor in ER explain to me that weed is often dipped in multiple chemicals which can irritate the lungs and cause pneumonia in people. especially someone like me with pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lung tissue)

    I'm pretty sure super glue and or Vicodin cough syrup was what she said.

    it was a trend for a while. it's deadly toxic. the glue fumes will line the lungs. it doesn't burn off and you know it.

    this is how they used to test for fingerprints. you drip glue in a fish tank, place the tape of a finger/hand print over suspected area and then you burn paper in the tank and close the lid. the glue and smoke particles will reveal the hand print. it's easier to do then dusting prints I guess. which often don't come out.

    I saw this on one of those crime progs (herd) and so to tell me the fumes wouldn't adhere to your fucking lungs is a LIE!

    You fucking read up on all of this? Didn't you mention you got a degree. go become a lab tech. make bank. you seem to know so fucking much.
  2. #22
    Bradley Black Hole
    That's crazy that qmr thinks people will poison him by breaking into his car and pplying chemicals to his weed.

    Glue that hardens wouldn't have the same kinda fumes you'd get from a forensic files fumigtion set up. also that's a process thta isn't really done anymore

    Now it's all powdered sugar based, you'd love it.
  3. #23
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley That's crazy that qmr thinks people will poison him by breaking into his car and pplying chemicals to his weed.

    Glue that hardens wouldn't have the same kinda fumes you'd get from a forensic files fumigtion set up. also that's a process thta isn't really done anymore

    Now it's all powdered sugar based, you'd love it.

    Call me a liar again, Cunt. It's fact. I saw evidence plus my car was unlocked. and white powder on my seats.
  4. #24
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Call me a liar again, Cunt. It's fact. I saw evidence plus my car was unlocked. and white powder on my seats.

    sorry that was just icing sugar

    I meant to put some in your petrol tank but it spilled and was just a whole thing so I left
  5. #25
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Call me a liar again, Cunt. It's fact. I saw evidence plus my car was unlocked. and white powder on my seats.

    They're most likely leaving drugs in your car so they'll have pretense to rip your car apart during a future traffic stop.

    You're lucky to have found that, did you document it?
  6. #26
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by aldra sorry that was just icing sugar

    I meant to put some in your petrol tank but it spilled and was just a whole thing so I left

    shit aint funny. that shit can cause kidney or liver cancer. just a tiny amount inhaled. apparently you cant by that kind of rat poisoning anymore which came in a jar. because people were stupid and didn't wear gloves as it strictly adviced to do. something like 5 out of 6 people would develope cancer with in a few years after touching just a small amount of it. it would absorb into the skin.

    so imagine if someone got an old bottle of it and placed it in the AC vent. just as Ted Gunderson claimed and his own Doctor confirmed how he died.

    he wasn't an Old Kook. he was well respected and became a private investigator and seems to know about the connections of Dr Aquino aka Lt Col Michael A Aquino. and the babies born in house and killed in cerimonies. there are shitloads of files proving it.

    I met this guy first in the 1980s and My friend wanted to get me to Join the Army. I mean I already joined the JROTC Army and went into ROTC as well for less than a year before getting booted out. I think this is why I was told to Join up in the late 80s.

    He came to talk to both brothers I spoke of and He knew their Father. I spoke of this. I never once made the connection of him being on the Geraldo Show with Ted Gunderson and some Priest from Omaha Nb (Where both my friends ended up living, and one dying)

    both of the brothers served in the Army and were in Central America during the late 80s/ Post Olly North days.

    blah blah

    I saw that show before. that episode but didn't register who Aquino was. i saw it again back around 2014 just months after Aquino came in and started chatting with me at Work near the Fishermans Wharf in SF.. He lived a few blocks away in NorthBeach Im told. He's Ascended to a higher existence (Died) back in Sept 2019. however, I believe Gunderson.

    Also Beto talks about serving for UnitedWay which lately has been in hot water for laundering gift money (donations) and all of their employees are told to make donations (to the higher ups)

    Jeff Hunter's LInkedin Page shows he once was head of United Way in his resume. it is absolutely the same Jeff Hunter. The photo of him with MetaPhys also proves it.

    Is Panthrax related to Jeff? Now this I was told by someone in Chat. he is a cousin. and his wife or brother inlaw is a Fed agent as well.

    meta went to visit Panthrax in Jail when few others did. I respect that of Meta however whats the real story?
  7. #27
    doesnt seem that bad to me

  8. #28
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah it's an irritant if inhaled but not particularly dangerous

    he just thinks it's the same thing because they both start with 'cyan'
  9. #29
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    It is a cyanide. but it's not Potassium Cyonide. however, Cyanoacrylate (higher concentration than store brand superglue) can create a toxic form of cyonide. So you're both wrong

    Ethyl cyanoacrylate is not Potassium Cyanide based. Rather Cyanide is a chemical form rather than a chemical in itself. So yes, Super Glue's base is in cyanide form, so its not nearly as worrying as the idea of putting potassium cynide in your harmonica.
  10. #30
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    read more than the first sentence
  11. #31
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    It doesnt matter. its not healthy to be dripping superglue on my thc laced herbs (not pot). I mean it is such a mellow smoke I have never had a severe cough. suddenly I was haking up a fucking lung.

    could breath. lungs felt like they were closing up on me.

    I give up on weed. or leaving shit in my car.
  12. #32
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Thats impossible. Show me literally any scientific literature that says otherwise, nigger

    My god, where exactly do you think you are? This is NIS...a place where science is scoffed at by drugged up idiots.
  13. #33
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    if a friend is good you can leave him with ur woman , 10 grand and a half ounce of good coke and everything will be unmolested when you come back in 4 days
  14. #34
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I don't recommend you staying gone more than 4 days tho, shit happens
  15. #35
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by stl1 My god, where exactly do you think you are? This is NIS…a place where science is scoffed at by drugged up idiots.

    Who the fuck you calling a drugged up idiot, old Man. I don't do recreation drugs unless you consider pot as a drug. or alcohol.

    im not an abuser. Direct your comment at the obvious guys like Ratface and BradleyB
  16. #36
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by POLECAT I don't recommend you staying gone more than 4 days tho, shit happens

    hell even some (or one) of the 12 apostles couldn't be trusted. they would be the sorry cause of temptation and blame it on you for doing so.
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