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  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's Monday morning. This means i get a shitload of drugs. I just took a pharma speedball. 50mg Methylphenidate and 80mg of Oxycodone. I feel bretty good.
  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Does your GF ever do drugs? Have you ever corrupted a loli with them? Just saying, sounds like something that would be fun to do.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice Does your GF ever do drugs? Have you ever corrupted a loli with them? Just saying, sounds like something that would be fun to do.

    Yeah my gf does Oxy all the time. Like i said she is not much of a loli, but she's a good lass regardless. Also i would only give a loli drugs if she explicitly asked me to. I am not much into the idea of corrupting innocence. It's the innocence and playfulness that attracts me to them in the first place. Why would i want to corrupt that? Also, if a loli is interested in sexy things, this doesn't mean she is corrupted. It's in people's nature to be sexual. And lolis can be just as sexual as teenagers or older.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Sophie I am not much into the idea of corrupting innocence. It's the innocence and playfulness that attracts me to them in the first place. Why would i want to corrupt that?

    So how do you reconcile this with your urge to be a pedo? You want lolis, but you don't want to corrupt them, but anything you do to them would corrupt them.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo So how do you reconcile this with your urge to be a pedo? You want lolis, but you don't want to corrupt them, but anything you do to them would corrupt them.

    No not really, you just need to be careful with how you approach the situation. If the loli is down to explore her sexuality, and you give her all the time she needs, and take it at her pace, without coercion of any sort. I really fail to see the harm.
  6. #6
    But by the time a lolis are mature enough to make that decision, won't they not be lolis anymore?
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also i don't have 'an urge' to be a pedo. I just am, i can't really help it.
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo But by the time a lolis are mature enough to make that decision, won't they not be lolis anymore?

    That depends very much on the girl, for instance my little sister was pretty sexually active when she was about 8. Also i had a 12yo gf once, ad she was the one to initiate all the sexual things we did. Besides i am a non-exclusive pedo. this means i can like them from really young all the way up to my age. I just prefer them a lot younger than most people.
  9. #9
    Huh. How old are you anyway?

    I just thought 'urge to be a pedo' sounded better than 'urge to have sex with young children'.
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo Huh. How old are you anyway?

    I just thought 'urge to be a pedo' sounded better than 'urge to have sex with young children'.

    Mid twenties. And yeah i suppose so, but saying i have an urge to be a pedo implies i have a choice in the matter. Well that's how it sounded to me anyway :p I appreciate you adjusting the way you speak about this for my benefit. That was very nice of you.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Sophie I appreciate you adjusting the way you speak about this for my benefit. That was very nice of you.

    Woah there. For the record I sure as fuck don't condone this sick shit, let's be clear on that please.
  12. #12
    sounds lame
  13. #13
    What's a shitload to you?
  14. #14
    As official moderator of niggasinspace I collect a 50% drug tax. Deliver the drugs to your anal cavity or be banned.
  15. #15
    bling bling Dark Matter
    the nurses are judges nd therre fuckd up in the beds
  16. #16
    Enjoy your drugs, you are a shining example for us all to live up to. Too bad your thread got shit on by alts.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    bling bling Dark Matter
    lick me up plz if ygm fam
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo For the record I sure as fuck don't condone this sick shit, let's be clear on that please.

    Of course.
  19. #19
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RisiR What's a shitload to you?

    Enough to keep me comfortably numb for a day or three and then when it's Monday again, i do it once more.

    It's for personal use, so it's not like i am moving kilos :P
  20. #20
    So you are getting pills and eating them or shooting?.
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