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Being a "role model"

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Okay guys so here's the rundown. In my recovery group there is an eminent member who is apparently a tranny on estrogen and one of the sponsors/community leaders around here said that I would be a good influence on how to deal with stuff and stay sober regardless of adversity because she has noticed my getting into like six fights in the past year in one of them I had my orbital fractured and in another one a 350lb man landed on top of me and I hit my back on a deck the corner of a deck and the fact that I'm a flaming autist

    I just hope I don't one day when I'm in a good mood accidentally endorse the use of chemicals because my personal beliefs I can't use to help someone else in recovery you know I have to keep on the image that it looks like I'm sticking to the program in order for them to have you know something to look forward to.

    Would you say it's ethically wrong to lie to a person about my sober State status? I am sober off spice since August but most people around here think I am like completely sober off medicine and Subox

    Anyway any advice for me to give advice to a struggling cringelord
  2. #2
    Why the fuck are you in drug rehab treatment just stop going tell them all to pound sound and focus on some real shit like making money. Fuck the government and fuck the healthcare system they are all faggot losers

    Don't be friends with criminals if they ask you to do stuff with them
  3. #3
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    It's not really a rehab

    It's a trailer park where I get come and go as I please whenever privs. It's just geared toward junkos
  4. #4
    Any cute ladies?
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