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lol king cobra jfs is mad and needs to drink due to forbidden fruit and Protasia Foundation

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    lol at the comment section: "he tries to convince everyone he is offended and needs a drink"
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    He's right youtube it's fucking disgusting, i'll drink to that.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I dont agree man. the best stuff is always bad or weird or disgusting. feeling weird or being bad is fun no?
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    remmeber that black fat chick who slied the white guys throat in the kfc or some filet sandwitch fast food place? why did she do it if it wasnt fun or being bad isnt fun?
  5. #5
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat I dont agree man. the best stuff is always bad or weird or disgusting. feeling weird or being bad is fun no?

    According to you anyone that uses drugs or thinks they should be legal is morally wrong for wanting to be bad. So no.

    You are just stupid and think drugs are bad because it's a popular mainstream media talking point and has nothing to do with your attraction to young girls

    Originally posted by Wariat remmeber that black fat chick who slied the white guys throat in the kfc or some filet sandwitch fast food place? why did she do it if it wasnt fun or being bad isnt fun?

    also violence. Rape and violence is totally fine but a person smoking weed WHAT THE FUCK U DRUG ADDICT SCUM PIECE OF SHIT SELLS DRUGS TO KIDS DRUG ADDICT

    This is why the EU is losing.
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    If you think about it he is a hypocryte. why does he always defend women and their bs and if he thinks bestiality is part of the forbidden four why doesnt he get on women about the porn they do or at least many of them or the teen chicks who fuk their dogs?
  7. #7
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat If you think about it he is a hypocryte. why does he always defend women and their bs and if he thinks bestiality is part of the forbidden four why doesnt he get on women about the porn they do or at least many of them or the teen chicks who fuk their dogs?

    Because they are OF AGE


  8. #8
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    nope its not the reason and you know it and many arent. most start out doing thwt in their teens like i already proved it showing srticles girls themselves admitting to fuking their own dogs at like 13 or so and the chick in thwt polish chat network also said this or she was like 12 or something if she was real (kev and many others on ehre seen her pics with the dog so they can judge).
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and its still part of his forbidden four did you even watch what he says? but he aleays only blames men for everything,
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i think guy hamikton smith is part of prostasia foundation. the dude i used to talk about and gor in a twitter fued with before or his then girlfriend this jedi bitch who later ended up betraying and turning on him and now hes shamed and exclusded from twitter. due to some domestic violence shit she claimed. she looks like a total kike btw and her name is like papertigerx or something.
  11. #11
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also of age is different thing sin different countries or has different meanings. usa does not set the world morlsity or what of age is. 18 isnt some magic number outside us of a or the land of the free and brave and holywood which is run feom usa.
  12. #12
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    who would you guys rsther trust or put your fsith in his or her opinions, an orgwnisationa nd its speakers like prostasia or a retarded drunk all day goblin aka boglim like this retard?

    hiki wat u fink?
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    if he claims kids or teens have no concept of sex why do some fuk their dogs? and i know forma fact because i jsed to spend time on chatrooms teen chats even way back when in my aol days some kids chats were as graphic and sexual as any adult chat and they knew everything for the most part outside the sheltered ones and shit.
  14. #14
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat who would you guys rsther trust or put your fsith in his or her opinions, an orgwnisationa nd its speakers like prostasia or a retarded drunk all day goblin aka boglim like this retard?

    I trust kingcobraJFS over anything you have to say. He might be an autistic alcoholic but you're an autistic alcoholic that is attracted to underaged girls.

    Fuck your gay EU laws, you fuckers lose every war go ahead and fuck kids you need all the breeding you can get I suppose.

    But here in the WEST we like our WOMEN to be OF AGE and CONSENTING ADULTS

  15. #15
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Also, why the fuk does he spot so many lies and bullshit saying kids dont even understand their parents having sex. i remember vividly recall it when i first saw something similar and i knew exactly what was going on i also recall accidentallys eeing porn at like 8 and being turned on by it and curious to see more and ive even or i recall having conversarions at age 12 when i already lived in california with other kids even this chick who was like two yrs younger and a neighbour and she even said chicks have a similar tunr on feleing way back at thwt age, what sort of faggot sheltered life did king cobra live folks to not remember any of this shit? was he molested as a child or something? he seems angry and irrational and id much more turst someone like prostwtia foundation or guy hamilton smith with a law degree over such a retard. even kids thwt wge wre laughing wt grown ups or people like him who think they dont know what they know.

    „legal does not mean moral”

    neither does being a raging alcoholic autist and a satanist.
  16. #16
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    he even makes no sense the way he starts defending women saying they are overly sexualized. what a fuking male fmeinist simp retard. dont you agree cigarette man and kev?
  17. #17
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat what sort of faggot sheltered life did king cobra live folks to not remember any of this shit? was he molested as a child or something? he seems anrgy and irrational and id much more turst someone like prostwtia foundstion or guy hamilton smith with a law degree over wuch a retard.

    He didn't say he doesn't remember it, he says KIDS don't PROPERLY UNDERSTAND SEX BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT CONSENTING ADULTS

    Originally posted by Wariat i remember vividly recall it when i first saw something similar and i knew exactly what was going on i also recall accidentallys eeing porn at like 8 and being turned on by it and curious to see more and ive even or i recall having conversarions at age 12 when i already lived in clsifornia with other kids even this chick who was like two yrs younger and a neighbour and she even said chicks have a similar tunr on feleing way back at thwt age

    It's a good thing no adults tried to fuck you while you were of that young non consenting age where you don't fully understand sex or maybe you could have ended up even more fucked up.
  18. #18
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    just admit it he wqs rwped as a child by hiw uncle and that combined with his retardarion and alcoholism and ass bergers makes him spout the bullshit he spouts.
  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Wariat he even makes no sense the way he starts defending women saying they are overly sexualized. what a fuking male fmeinist simp retard. dont you agree cigarette man and kev?

    He's right about everything and you will never agree with any of what him or anyone has to say because you only support people that support your fucked up perversions towards young girls.

    Cock nose is a deranged pedophile with a scat fetish that would cheer on a baby rape and join in
    Cigarette boy is definitely a child molester and would agree 100% with everything you say and help you rape a child
    Ditto to all of the above with Kevin aka Kev

    These are the people you would rather "ride with" instead of real OG internet bad boy gothic rockstars like KingcobraJFS who has had more girlfriends than you and is all around a much better human being than you can ever hope to be.

  20. #20
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    „It's a good thing no adults tried to fuck you while you were of that young non consenting age where you don't fully understand sex or maybe you could have ended up even more fucked up.”

    i almost fuked a prostitute whike on vacarion in poland at 15 and regret not making more moves when her wnd her friend while drunk were blowing me kisses i also almsot fuked an asian also possibly hooker who had a young son single mom and worked at a thai restaurant in claremont when i was in high school and just about to turn 17 who had vsrious young guys over sll the time and she was aksing in some asian language her son to translate for me and was asking me questions whike playing basketball and later appeared next to me while i ignored them due to embarassment in feont or my friends and another time her son mentioned somehting wbout her maybe kicking my asshole. i also regret this and it would have been awesome. sex as a whole and age differences is awesome and kobra is a raging fsggot.
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