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Israeli Study: Natural Immunity far Superior to Covshit Jab.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Who'd have thunk it? I had.

    Pretty sure i got Corona, like the OG variant two years ago just before it started making headlines. Pretty sure i caught the Delta variant a few weeks ago. But i wasn't even sick for more than two days, and at that the 2 days were more like a bit more intense common cold. But not by much.
  2. #2
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    when theres some mutant that comes out that actually wipes out large swaths of the population everyone with the vaccine is probably going to die
  3. #3
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..that's why the hospital's ICU's are 95% full of the unvaccinated right?…

    thats not how statistics work.

    because if you really know how statistics work you would have known that isnt a statistically significant number.
  4. #4
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..that's why the hospital's ICU's are 95% full of the unvaccinated right?…

    ban the unvaccinated from hospitals, problem solved
  5. #5
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood ban the unvaccinated from hospitals, problem solved

    dont ask dont tell
  6. #6
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..that's why the hospital's ICU's are 95% full of the unvaccinated right?…

    I know a lot of people in the hospital with covid now were vaccinated. Not sure the statistics but just from what I’ve been told.
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Um I'm taking about the vaccine working not statistics…

    Forget the % then

    9 out of 10 ICU patients with covid are unvaccinated…any idiot can figure out from there that the vaccine "works"…if it didn't there would be a much more "equal" mix of ICU patients.

    it wouldnt be statistically significant if the population is 90% unvaccinated.

    in fact if you have 9 out of 10 people in ICU being unvaccinated, and if you have a population that has only being 10% vaccinated, it indicates the chances of catching covid and ending in an ICU are the same whether your vaxxed or unvaxxed.

    the percentage of vaxxed population matters,
  8. #8
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Um I'm taking about the vaccine working not statistics…

    Forget the % then

    9 out of 10 ICU patients with covid are unvaccinated…any idiot can figure out from there that the vaccine "works"…if it didn't there would be a much more "equal" mix of ICU patients.

    You are arguing with an idiot.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by stl1 You are arguing with an idiot.

    takes one to identify one.
  10. #10
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ???

    You are making no sense whatsoever…and you are playing "if" games.

    over 50% of the US population ARE vaccinated…

    again if the vaccine didn't work as it seems you are suggesting it wouldn't matter how many were or were not vaccinated…the ICU patients would be a mix of BOTH!!!…it's not…it is VASTLY in favor of those who are unvaccinated…pretty damning proof the vaccine is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

    Lets put it another way…

    You are undecided if you want the vaccine or not…you are lead to 2 rooms.

    room 1 is the unvaccinated room. There are 90 people on ventilators and 5 dead ones.

    Room 2 is the vaccinated room. There are 5 people in it 4 on ventilators and 1 dead one.

    You are then asked…which room do you fancy your chances in?

    The answer would require common sense, something Vincent obviously lacks.
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ???

    You are making no sense whatsoever…and you are playing "if" games.

    over 50% of the US population ARE vaccinated*…


    how many shots have these 50% taken ? 1, 2, or 3. now that they have shifted the definition of 'fully vaccinated' from having 2 doses to 3, i doubt the US still have 50% of its population considered 'vaccinated'.

    again if the vaccine didn't work as it seems you are suggesting it wouldn't matter how many were or were not vaccinated…the ICU patients would be a mix of BOTH!!!…

    this is logically flawed. it is as logically flawed as demanding that tv sitcoms contain 50% negroids and 50% white actor/resses to promote equality when the population has only 10% negroid.

    you see how deranged this is.

    it's not…it is VASTLY in favor of those who are unvaccinated…pretty damning proof the vaccine is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

    Lets put it another way…

    You are undecided if you want the vaccine or not…you are lead to 2 rooms.

    room 1 is the unvaccinated room. There are 90 people on ventilators and 5 dead ones.

    Room 2 is the vaccinated room. There are 5 people in it 4 on ventilators and 1 dead one.

    You are then asked…which room do you fancy your chances in?

    well if the population of 100 is only 5% vaccinated, then it wouldnt matter since it is impossible to have more than 5 vaccinated people on ICU or dead.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by stl1 The answer would require common sense, something Vincent obviously lacks.

    says the one with blind faith for biden, liberalism and "vaccine" that doesnt prevent infections.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's not…the population is 100,000 which is 50% vaccinated.

    with 3 shots ?

    Room 1 has 95 people in it - unvaccinated
    Room 2 had 5 people in it - vaccinated

    EMPIRICAL DATA?!?!?!??!?!

    since this is made up numbers im not going to address it since it doesnt reflect the real life numbers. not even remotely.

    I think you were/are assuming all the patients = the population…obviously it doesn't/isn't. It reflects what happens to those who contract it…and are or are not vaccinated.

    no, im giving you an example why the numbers are skewed.

    like i said, you need actual number of vaccinated (as currently defined) and unvaccinated people in the population to make use of hospital figures.

    and even then those numbers are meaningless without taking into account of their age, gender, race, the preexisting, underlying diseases they have, socio-economic background, ie, rich people with better and healthier food vs low income people who consume mostly junkfoods,

    occupations and living condition too.

    in the US most of the unvaxxed happens to be low income blacks who do dirty jobs with higher exposure to hazardous chemicals, waste materials and dangerous substances, living in crowded condition, less than ideal personal hygeine and suffer from malnutrition due to excessive fried chicken and soda consumption and are more likely to use public transportation to and from work, and did not get vaccinated due to muh dick. factors that increase their likelyhood to catch covid.

    suburban whites on the other hand, are entirely on the opposite side of these. theyre middle classed, have better food, better healthcare, healthier food, live sparsely from each other, are either working from home or go to work in their SUVs, which greatly reduced their chanced of catching the virus in the first place. its just that these people happens to be dumb enough to get themselves vaccinated against an illutionary disease.

    under these conditions and factors its only natural for there to be a higher number of infected negroids vis a vis suburban whites, and therefore since there are more poor negroids that are infected, its only logical to have more negroids ending up in the ICU, who coincidently happens to be unvaccinated.

    in this senario a higher percentage of unvaxxed people in the ICU is just a correlation, not a causation.

    if you take a look at the breakdown of every patient according to all criterias instead of just vaxxed vs unvaxxed, you are going to see that vaxx status have little tomnothing to do with the severity of this hoax disease.

    - dr.vinny
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson TLDR.

    Cliff notes for god's sake.

    apologies accepted
  16. #16
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ???

    You are making no sense whatsoever…and you are playing "if" games.

    over 50% of the US population ARE vaccinated…

    again if the vaccine didn't work as it seems you are suggesting it wouldn't matter how many were or were not vaccinated…the ICU patients would be a mix of BOTH!!!…it's not…it is VASTLY in favor of those who are unvaccinated…pretty damning proof the vaccine is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

    Lets put it another way…

    You are undecided if you want the vaccine or not…you are lead to 2 rooms.

    room 1 is the unvaccinated room. There are 90 people on ventilators and 5 dead ones.

    Room 2 is the vaccinated room. There are 5 people in it 4 on ventilators and 1 dead one.

    You are then asked…which room do you fancy your chances in?

    i fancie ur granps dik in me as
  17. #17
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    I've had both.
  18. #18
    cigreting Dark Matter
    2 dix in ur as
  19. #19
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Study needs to be spammed everywhere pro vaccine retards get together.

    Id been saying the same thing before this study came out, that to me, catching the virus once prior was like a natural vaccine, better than man made ones.
  20. #20
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Sophie Who'd have thunk it? I had.

    Pretty sure i got Corona, like the OG variant two years ago just before it started making headlines. Pretty sure i caught the Delta variant a few weeks ago. But i wasn't even sick for more than two days, and at that the 2 days were more like a bit more intense common cold. But not by much.

    How does natural immunity being more effective track with the supposed ineffectiveness of traditional vaccines (live attenuated/inactive)? Not saying this study is bullshit (although it very well might be - what the fuck do I know?) and also not trying to fuel any conspiracy theories here. Does this mean there's hope for classic Vaccines 1.0? 🤔
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