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  1. #21
    Bradley Black Hole
    quick mix ready's mom gave birth to just bitches
  2. #22
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley quickmix ready are u still fat as fuck

    Hazard of the Job of driving mostly. but Im working on getting an hour or 90 minutes of bike time and situps and lift weights in the buildings' gym when it opens back up (been closed for over a year)
  3. #23
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley quick mix ready's mom gave birth to just bitches

    I thought someone who suffered as you might, could join something constructive like a improve class and learn to write Jokes, do some open mic. maybe be actually funny and then maybe get paid to do that. think of it as side work and if it leads to bigger opportunity then you could make fat bucks. because you have so much energy. but you would rather live the life of a low class drug user. It's semi normal for teens to do this but you are pushing 30. Get your shit together you fucking sod.
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