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snab snib nigga! pike #7 "Documentation in All Things"

  1. #1
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    Thoughts on Unity

    1. Second sight

    To be seeing sight. Aware of senses, sensing senses, disengaged from senses (command position). The animal-body simply waits.

    Signs of third eye activation status include heart rate, decision making, patience, ocular muscle fixation, attention to detail and psychocosmic correspondances, follow-through on intents, and perception of animal impulse.

    1.1 Troubleshooting

    One may lose sight of unity for any reason. Woeful recusations will be of no avail. In order to reconnect, you will sit down, and go down the checklist, solving each issue in order until you are successful in returning to the unity state.

    A. Muscular tensions
    B. Excited respiration
    C. Elevated heart-rate
    D. Reticular disease
    E. Runaway psychic process
    F. Emotional disturbance
    G. Obsolete goals
    H. Hostile environment

    The process of recognizing threats to unity and immediately running down the checklist must be made completely reflexive and the checklist must be learned by heart.

    2. Behavior

    The behavior of Unity is effective. If capital is needed capital is sought. Identifying threats to unity and finding solutions. Without the capacity to perceive subtle events, one cannot discern cause or effect change. It is evolution.

    2.1 Excitations

    Excitations are the animal form in action. Uncontrolled excitations or excessive excitations are damaging to unity - however, this does not mean that all excitation is to be avoided. As a powerful archer draws his bow and transforms the tension of the string into a deadly projectile, one can retain the capacity for animalistic behavior without becoming an animal.

    All actions are accomplished through excitation. Even the act of moving my fingers to type this is an excitation. Excitation is necessary to life. But uncontrolled, dissipated, confused, and diluated excitations are dangerous and ineffective.

    3. Apophenia

    Apophenia is waiting for a message from the source code which speaks directly to you. In the instance that the transaction occurs there is no means by which to determine who is speaking, the subject or the object. hence the point of unity.

    The messages recieved will direct the user to unity, and address the issues preventing unification.

    A robust psychocosm, or, symbolligal correspondance library, facilitates the rapid decryption of the information.

    4. Silence

    A secret is not a secret because you refuse to speak it but because it can not be spoken at all. There are no simple means by which to initiate the profane. You are permitted to lie. The greatest acts of genius are perfect duplications (plagiarism) perfectly concealed. To create is human, to duplicate is divine.

    5. Memory

    There is that which must be remembered and that which can not or should not be remembered. Just as one must allow only a single process of excitation to run at any given time, one must not seek that which one should not remember. All information that you have ever received is absolutely indelible and can not be lost; Through unity your memories will arrive exactly and explicity as they are needed.

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