User Controls

I can tell there is a mirrored RTT

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Real Time Text because in the past someone answered a fucking post of mine seconds after I posted it. not 10 or 20 but seconds. almost real time. with them typing out several sentence in the reply with quote of the very thing I posted.

    and I was replying to a pm just now, it said I was trying to flood with a 29 second flood control (what is the normal time?) and i ended up sending that person a double PM reply.

    So whats the game, Lanny. glitch? if so, then why did several people One being Scron from months back respond so fucking quickly as if he was reading RTT (Real Time Texting)

    I used to laugh running both an old WWIV dialup that a fellow BBS admin wrote a string command for, and seeing this feature as well as one of the free web UBB forum had it built in. So I know it exist. regardless if you programmed this. I respect you and the person who helped you for your coding skills but what the fuck. Why are you giving other users this ability and not all of us who have at least past the yung blood phase or 1 year anniversary or whatever rule you wish.

    favoring is as bad as mod abuse and P.I. or sucking certain flavored dicks

    You suck my dick like everyone elses. Gaybee
  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wonky mouse sends 2 clicks instead of 1 sometime. I got 2 PM's the same one.
  3. #3
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Sophie Wonky mouse sends 2 clicks instead of 1 sometime. I got 2 PM's the same one.

    it does it on multiple devices. this is a laptop. did it on my desktop. sometimes on a tablet.
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