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This Sunay's Confession

  1. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by shitty titty Oh girl I know that’s right!

    Seasons change…seasons change.

    Yes they do ♥️
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein He’s a hunter so we went to the state park so he could get his hunting papers and while he was inside he brought me out some magazines about our town they had inside

    So we went to have dinner and I’m looking at the cover of one of those magazines and I see a bridge and it’s beautiful and I’m like that is not in our town and he’s like yes it is ..

    And like no it’s it’s not ..he’s like well it’s actually right outside of town and I’m about to take you and show you

    And he did ..and it was so beautiful..he said he passes it all the time and never went up there until we did ..♥️

    To expound on this …we have given each other a number of first experiences..

    So many we both started to question are you sure you never did this before? You not just sayin that ?!

    No ..we are actually experiencing so many things together for the first time ♥️
  3. CandyRein Black Hole
    He told me he’s asked every woman he’s ever been with to go fishing with him and they never wanted to go

    And I literally asked him to take me when he mentioned he fishes a lot ..and he was so shocked..and couldn’t wait to get me my own pole…

    One of the docs we fished on I never seen in my life and I’ve been through that state park a million times…

    He said he’s fished on that doc a million times and never sat on it and put his feet in the water until he did with me ♥️
  4. shitty titty Cripple Nipple
    This calls for…poetry

    Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves
    And the dreams of trees unfold
    When woodland halls are green and cool
    And the wind is in the west
    Come back to me
    Come back to me
    And say my land is best
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    He plays baseball..he’s on a team that he’s been on for 20 frikn years…

    They went to a tournament over the weekend and we missed each other so much we ended up saying we love each other

    He sent me pics of where he was and talked to me every moment he was there from the moment he left town until he got back..

    He knew the things I thought would be beautiful so he took pics and sent them to me ♥️

    He looks so sexy in his baseball uniform..and all his friends said I should have come but I didn’t wanna be the only woman there.. and he would have taken me he said ..but I sat this one out ..but when he plays next time I’m going to go and hold a sign with his name ..♥️🤭

    The hotel had a garden that looks like it’s from the shining ..and I said I’d love to run through that

    He said baby I’ll take you to Colorado to run through the actual garden and get a room there at the hotel

    We are going to Colorado next month we already were planning to go I had no idea that garden is there
  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by shitty titty This calls for…poetry

    Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves
    And the dreams of trees unfold
    When woodland halls are green and cool
    And the wind is in the west
    Come back to me
    Come back to me
    And say my land is best


    *poetry jam finger snapping*
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    He buys me flowers…he buys me flowers and it’s not even a special occasion

    He brought me flowers back from the tournament ♥️

    He said they never won a game at that particular tournament he went to over the weekend…

    They won twice this time..he says it’s because of me 😭♥️
  8. CandyRein Black Hole




    Sooo beautiful 🌺
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Literally everything he thought I’d find aesthetically pleasing he took footage of ..and he knew I’d love everything ♥️




  10. CandyRein Black Hole

  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    I wish he had an iPhone so his videos were more clear but he had a bad experience with the cloud and he refuses to go back lmao♥️
  12. Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    thunders only happen when its raining ...
    women only loves you when you're winning ...
    they say women come and they'll always go ...
    when dey serve you divorce papers you'll kno ...

  13. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lmao shut up! Ughh you make me sick
  14. Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    why did you dump butt butt
  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    Since my boyfriend has been with me he has won big at the Casino and won 2 games at a tournament they play every year and never win ..

    I don’t know what that means..I’m js!♥️
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina why did you dump butt butt

    Because I had to for the both of us to be truly happy in the future…

    I did it for both of us to be happy with someone who suits where we are in our lives, Vinny …

    Now stop being nosey
  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    When he won at the casino he told me baby girl I never win at the casino..he said I didn’t even know what to think those bells started ringing lights flashing people staring ..

    I’m bringing you money right now !
    I said noooo ! That’s yours he said no it’s ours ..♥️

    I said no baby ..he said I’ll leave it in your mailbox if you won’t take it out my hand

    So I just let him give it to me lol

    I woke up the next day he had already booked a room with a jacuzzi for us and we had such an amazing night ….♥️

    He’s just such a sweet man he really is ..♥️
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by CandyRein When he won at the casino he told me baby girl I never win at the casino..he said I didn’t even know what to think those bells started ringing lights flashing people staring ..

    I’m bringing you money right now !
    I said noooo ! That’s yours he said no it’s ours ..♥️

    I said no baby ..he said I’ll leave it in your mailbox if you won’t take it out my hand

    So I just let him give it to me lol

    I woke up the next day he had already booked a room with a jacuzzi for us and we had such an amazing night ….♥️

    He’s just such a sweet man he really is ..♥️

    Do you guys need a butler or something? I have great manners now.
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    Lmao you’re no butler ..more like a pool boy 🤭♥️ ;)
  20. Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Because I had to for the both of us to be truly happy in the future…

    I did it for both of us to be happy with someone who suits where we are in our lives, Vinny …

    Now stop being nosey


    we both know thats not true. stop giving out cookie cutter generic cliche "reasons" and juat tell us da truth.

    this is afterall ... a confession thread.

    was it freedom that you suddenly discover you lacked ?
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