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Being an immigrant freak from eastern europe

  1. #41
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Bradley yall are some losers for real, I can't imagine someone getting in my face and shouting

    Also the first time you strike another man, you understand unless it's an immasculating blow (Such as spitting on or slapping the face of), you're fucking fighting and need to continue swinging and punching.

    Once you start hitting another person you should continue fighting until one of you is immobilized, not punch him once, look at him in the face, and have a heart to heart moment.

    Yall are some weird ass dudes letting men just TREAT you like some straight up hoes.

    He wasnt fighting back or would not square up his only agressive move besides his nationalism and threat if I wasnt Polish etc. and shit talking harassing me was him going for the bootle but he quickly changed his mind when I also made a move for it and just laid back he was sort of running away and talking shit but not really running away just hanging back I cant attack someone like that that isnt fighting back or a threat. I hit him because of how annoying he was and how he itnerrupted me reading a magazine and i hate nationalists especially pollack ones who harass ukrainians here or others and act like poland is the master race. Just go to some forums out there with polaks and youlls ee exactly how they are. This is probably the most racist and right wing and national country in the white world or europe right now maybe the world outsid emiddle east countries.
  2. #42
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost The guy was loudly screaming about some conspiracy shit like "I KNOW THEY ARE BEHIND IT! LET ME TELL YOU WHY THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS WATCHES US!" and she was just kinda sitting there staring at the guy with a horrified look on her face.

    this was the expression on her face (without the hands) I was across the street and stopped and just watched because I couldn't believe it what I was seeing.

    The guy was just popping off at this old lady in broad daylight and people were just walking by and I started laughing and saying out loud "what the fuck" I had actual tears in my eyes shaking my head laughing and crying walking away and said "fucking clown world what the fuck"

    maybe it's just my area or maybe just me, I dunno. People are fucking deranged and the medicated robots just gawk in horror as they fling their shit around.
  3. #43
    Ghost Black Hole
    LIke that time I saw a woman screaming and crying about how the government killed her baby with a space laser and there was a large group of young people asking her to tell them the entire story like WHAT THE FUCK CAN YOU NOT SEE SHE IS FUCKED IN THE HEAD!! absolute retards, call the fucking ambulance or something god damn.
  4. #44
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    If you hit someone even what I did much less knock them out or choke them out no matter how much shit they talk I know by california laws dont know about poland you commited the crime not them. Unless youre black then all you gotta do is say they called you a nigger but if youre white no matter how racist hateful or whatever the other guy is and how badly he harasses ou even if hes gay and touches your dick because gays are protected now and you hit him without him hitting you first and it is eithe rbelieved by the cops or shown on camera even if the other person said he hates white people or pollacks or youre a garbage jedi or whatever no matter what he said its your fault and youre gonna be charged with assault unless youre black and he called you the n word. Basically in the world we live in or at least pollackland nationalism is ok but racism isnt only if youre black even if you lie and make up the guy said something about blacks its all good (dont know about pollackland on this one though).
  5. #45
    Ghost Black Hole
    I don't think acting crazy in public is just a mental health thing. It feels like oversocialization gone mad when people constantly walk up to people chimping out. Like their brains get totally fried from normal society and they just become walking retard social zombies.

    I've been absolutely fucked on drugs in the middle of yonge square in downtown toronto tripping over my feet puking into the sewer grates and people asking if I was okay but I just got up and went and shivered in an alley for a bit and I was cool. I don't know how people get so fucked up to act crazy all the time but you see them a lot, screaming and walking up to people being aggressive and shit.

    I don't get it

  6. #46
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    well it wasnt really in public it was a side street with no one else around but at anytime anyone could have drive in there or walked by. it was like a big side street but not a major one. off a somewhat major driving but not walking street. so thsts why it was a good spot to just chill and read. he just appeared out of nowhere. i used to like reading kagazines outside when the weather was good.
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