2021-04-17 at 11:55 AM UTC
dude i used to play runescape so much i would hit the 6 hour forced log out, 4 times a day.
I ran a clan of 7 men who were also amatuer body builders (it was weird), we all went to high school together although i was the oldest in the clan (The average age was 20, i was like 23)
WE called ourselves The Masturbation Station. This one faggot would let others train his account for him, and like just openly gave his password to everyone. I did not like him EVER but i kept this to myself.
So one day I log in, loot all of his gold onto my account, take all of his untradable items and drop them in the wildy, tell my freinds to kill me so i could lose whatever i couldn't drop, and then raised his defense to 46 to ruin his ability to be a zerker.
I just straight griefed him, then when he asked everyone who did it, because I had so much gold and was so great at the game i had no reason to do it. But then someone told him "BradleyB likes to hurt people he doesn't like, did you guys ever beef or anything cuz he'll say yall good and just gutter fuck you the next moment." which is true.
I don't lie to my friends and I don't often tell the truth to my enemies. If I say "HEy yeah we're totes good bud I'm past it." and I hate you, anyone who knows me, knows i'm just getting closer to snake you because it would've too hard if you were scared of me. HISS MUFUCKA
So then i made my ex at the time lie and say i was at her house smoking weed and pushing pipe and played computer for like 8 minutes that day.
Then he got my IP Address from Jagex and I asked him if he wants to get hurt IRL over Old School Runescape GP.
That's when I stopped working out at anytime and started working out at the YMCA.
Be cool dude, don't play video games. YOu seem really mature for a 13 year old, so you're probably in yoour mid 20s. Pretend to be a girl online, become a real girl online, play a cool game, have you played Star Cocks 2? It's my new favorite.
2021-04-17 at 11:58 AM UTC
my ex would be liek "You know you ruined your friendship with him over some runescape gold and made him your friend stop playing the game?"
I said just cuz i sold shit to him and he knew my number, and he said im his ifriend, do not make him my friend OK?