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What speaksin volumes when

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Music isn't a lift in your life. nor movies. movies are someone elses visions and artistic creation. their usually short-lived and if it wasn't for Television, VHS then DVD then streaming no one would probably ever see these movies again. many would of have been destroyed in the vaults from time alone.

    thoughts of the best times of life are from your youth and are fading more and more. all you can do is do the best to make new memories worth reflecting in your older years.

    we all lost over a year to Covid19 of potential good thoughts. no casual restaurant experiences, movie house, summer at the beach or a BBQ nor amusement parks. all closed down. Unless you violated the shut in rules and large parties. then you might have a good memory from violating the laws and maybe met a future wife or husband and wouldn't have had kids had you not shown up. Your children exist because you broke the law.


    Anyways. Everything is shit. I don't know why, but I can't have good feelings anymore. Nostalgia is dead. most of you Zok Moon kids will be in your 40s and then 50s not long from now. 2040 or so. you'll regret telling me "Such a boomer thing"

    I Hope the Zoomz do the same thing. Often your actions brings back 7x the actions of meanness you did to your "elders"
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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