Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work. Go to bed. Go to work.
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
I'm pretty busy myself, I'm grading strains of weed this week,, so far Ive tested critical Orange punch LSD, pineapple, mystic punch, Cookies x gorilla glue and Gelato 33. the Cookies x gorilla glue is the best tasting and the mystic punch gets me the highest,, the rsts are pretty good but need to cure before final testing
My Hepatitis is gone and I am still an asshole who lashes out. I guess it wasn't my hep-c all along. Now you guys can't tell me I am having false outrages because of that. You have to call me a "little bitch".
So what, we got robbed. Does it even matter when that is the norm? Obviously it is just going to keep getting worse. There are hundreds if not thousands of under-ground forced labor camps where children go when they go missing and are never seen from again. Human beings have been being sold to an underground race of telepathic, sub-terraranan, extraterrestrials. There are over 140 uncommonly known elements on the periodic table and it is all covered up so that war mongering governments can firstly see what kind of weapons of mass destruction they can make out of them. Soon enough they are going to just come out and say it. We will all be herded like cattle into the train cars to be shipped to the work camps deep below the earth's crust.
Do meth and stay up all night playing video games and molesting chell or use the extra free time you have to make more money. When I had a job I had to stop going to work because I made too much money on the side, the only problem was that I was spending more than I was making from both and trying to juggle doing it all.
If you aren't a degenerate retard doing amphetamines is the easiest way to fast track your life and get out of a rut. Just ask college kids that skip studying to party.
Think about all the coding you could learn if you skipped sleep and just went into autopilot amp zombie mode at work. Then you could quit your job in no time and become rabbitweeds coffee assistant
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
Do meth and stay up all night playing video games and molesting chell or use the extra free time you have to make more money. When I had a job I had to stop going to work because I made too much money on the side, the only problem was that I was spending more than I was making from both and trying to juggle doing it all.
If you aren't a degenerate retard doing amphetamines is the easiest way to fast track your life and get out of a rut. Just ask college kids that skip studying to party.
Think about all the coding you could learn if you skipped sleep and just went into autopilot amp zombie mode at work. Then you could quit your job in no time and become rabbitweeds coffee assistant
Im going to go watch Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles II.
I have so much shit to do all the time that I dont do because I end up dealing and helping other people with their shit. I really don't have enough time in the day.
What I'm trying to say is you have absolutely no excuse Thomas, just do the fucking shit