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How you will starve in the future

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Lanny Can't have new world order without computers, bitches. How are you going to eat in the new economy?

    I'm gonna exploit the loophole of international shipping and globalism to amass a stockpile of precursors, nootropics, seeds, plants, bulbs, cuttings, roots, spores, drugs, pure chemicals, elements and technologies things to aid with my eternal survival in technologicalized society.

  2. #22
    bling bling Dark Matter
    theyt starve ur mind
  3. #23
    Start a rebellion, knock down the drainage ditches, flood the fens again and the tax collectors won't be able to get me
  4. #24
    Originally posted by infinityshock as long as there are other people…there will be food on my table.

    and your scenario is impossible.

    ive grown vegetables/fruits in pots inside my house in freezing cold NY.

    where i live now (florida) i can grow some sort of edible all year long. hell…the fucking beans i have growing now are literally growing faster than i can eat them. just yesterday i harvested the ripe ones and there are already some ready again today.

    livestock (rabbits…chickens…etc) can be raised in an apartment in a small cage. my chickens shit out more eggs than i can eat, to the point i wind up cooking the eggs then feeding them back to the chickens.

    You cannot reasonably grow enough produce to feed yourself year round without an unreasonably large house. At which point, you probably already have one of these mythical food cards.

    Also, there is no way you could keep chickens in an apartment without getting found out. You said you own chickens, so I'm sure you're aware of how loud they can be. I know there's a goose that doesn't honk, its name begins with an "M" I think, but I forget what they're called. Rather weird looking, it'd be inhumane and ridiculous to keep them in an apartment as well I think.

    Rabbits might work, but again, I don't think you could have enough in an apartment to feed yourself for a year, and if you did, the smell would give it away. I think you'd be best off buying rice on the black market in this dystopia.
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