2021-01-16 at 3:55 AM UTC
It's like that. How come Trump didn't stop Banks or Lenders from collecting Covid19 Morgages but allowed Renters to stop paying Rent and still have quarintine rights while the Home Owner loses his house. Many many houses are being quicksold just to keep home owners from going into debt by owing for the morgages (which will probably happen anyways)
this seems like taking advantage of the situation. the Average Person has to pay the bank, meaning they get special privs of foreclosing while renters get to squat.
the Banks win. Trump didn't stop this. He never gave the order for Lenders to stop going after home owners who can't pay their Mortgage. they set n up a Mortgage Loan to pay the Banks but then owe shitloads of money that might take years to pay down.
Fucking hell. 2008 and 2020-2021
Fuck Banks
2021-01-16 at 5:07 AM UTC
Space Nigga
[the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
at the end of the day -- trump is a part this of "deep state" act
2021-01-16 at 5:18 AM UTC
lol Siren Server US Fuzzy hahaha