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Doing a chargeback on credit cards

  1. #1
    Saying for instance someone "hacked your computer" or something and "stole your credit card" on the dark web and used to buy a bunch of stuff for Christmas... how do you do a charge-back and get your money back?

    Anyone do this?
  2. #2
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    call your company and explain and they start an investigation that usually takes a week or 2. During this time your card is frozen
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  3. #3
    I've done charge backs a few times, the amount is immediately credited to your account while they investigate. If they rule in your favor then you keep the money...if they don't the credit is removed from your account.
    99 times out of 100 the credit card company will rule in your favor (assuming you filed a legit claim).
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  4. #4
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I work for a bank in credit cards, and we almost always credit the card holder. Sometimes people call in the cancel the claim and say that it was their own purchase, even though we credited them.

    If it's been months, you may lose.

    Years and you don't have a chance, but we'll file the claim.
  5. #5
    my cousin just filed a claim and they are holding the credit for an "investigation". Ordered something from a major electronics store and the box came empty!
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  6. #6
    Misterigh Houston
    Originally posted by CutterLegendaryNinja my cousin just filed a claim and they are holding the credit for an "investigation". Ordered something from a major electronics store and the box came empty!

    That's a non-fraud dispute. They'll contact the store and ask them their side.

    I claimed an item didn't arrive from a major retail store and the store told me that they have to file a claim with UPS and the if they determined the package was lost, then I'd get a refund. I never got the refund.

    Its hit or miss if you try this directly with online retail stores.
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    My friends little sister did this to stop getting bags oof cosmetics and charged 15$ a month, they wanteed 50$ cancelation charge.

    She didn't agree to any of this, so shee called back, and her dad explained to the lady about why my daughter doesn't neeed this charge and we awnt no further charges from this company foro any reason ever, cuz we called them and they couldn't figure shit out, and they apologized to me, my daughter, tahnked me for calling them afteer thee transaction couldn't get worked out by my daughter and the cosmetics bag

    took 15 minutes, shee got thee money back and the money they had taken out on the first, and today they sent heer th e bag anyway, and they won't charge her the cancelelationo fee

    my mom said wow that way eaesy and thanked her father

    and that's why I go on th e websites, but my mileage may vary if my moom or I tried what my friend and his parent did with this dying aunt.

    fuck cancellatin charges
  8. #8
    Bradley Florida Man
    she asked her dad "hey son will this apply oon my credit? That'si mportant to me becausee i'm not a drug addict with noothing who doesent believe in credit cuz he can't make paymnts but has wisdom"

    Great question, he dold his female relation "IF you do less than 3 of these a year your credit card company will not report this activity, they will be far les helpful the 4th time, these are words you would listen to and be better if you remembered."

    THis action will not be reported PER chargeback agency count, so if SWIM had 5 cards and did 3, 2, 1 znd 1 in a year, wow, u should download antivirus and stop geting scammed type shit, but it should work.

    Don't do amounts over thhan 100 if you're gonna do more than 1, remember they will appear on your Credit Score data reports if they take u to contest it and you lose.

    with make up bag, this i truth, my duaghter did not agree to a complex thing, my mom waned 1 bag for 15$ and these ppl sent her 2, and charged her again, and i said nah fuck that and that's how you stand on shit for your mom cuz she got drunk and ordered something for tv and regrets it (agin)

    with older people with good credit scores, they can get a lot more trust given to them over <100$ claims, they only dealt with 5 other claims of this identical nature, you can talk for them, just ahve them there to say yeah this is my uncle, no he's not touching me he's the good uncle, yeah he's really smart

    oh thanks.

    IF they contest it, you can explain that a customer service person and you talked on x date, no you don't have it recorded, do they, that conversation resulted in :Whatever easonable action you want back.

    ARe you gonna go to court for 15$ as a seller of high volume goods whose trying to use left handed immoral practices to deceive people with contracts?


    God bless you .
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man
    his daughters total valuee of coome up from 1 transaction of this method was 1 make up bag and a return of 15$ and a blocking of 50$ she woulda paid beforee shee took this problem to u

    That's a 65$ come up

    u signed up for a contract

    i didn't sign up for fucking shit bradley and i told theem that

    ok ok ok drimk ur beer im mcaliln the bank rn

    then my mom was so happy she took me out for dinneer and told me she's happy im not one of thosee hoomosexuals who wears make up, i told her the men i fuck do, she said she knows and looked bitter she loves me alot

    then the bag of coosmetics showed up a couple days later, she likes thesee onoes a little bit but donot want a make upp contract like that tranny on tv has got now i guess the dude with no weiner caitlin
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