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I thought there was a Disclosure Project today

  1. #1
    Bugz Space Nigga
    But it was some faggot prediction clearly not coming true.

    All of the important disclosure project people like Ed Mitchell and some high ranking officisials are dead now that were telling us in June 2001 that UFOs and Aliens are real ad reverse engineering happened.

    one of the most credible witnesses was that of Dr Edgar Mitchell and 6th Astronaut of the Moon Landing to walk on the moon. He was also born in Rosswell New Mexico and witnessed the crash debri left behind and said the Military lied to coverup what was really brought forward. not a silly weather balloon.

    Already we know we're not alone thanks to Pilots who have come forth and showed cockpit video snuck out, that later was officially released. I saw that shit years ago. was told it was a hoax. now we know it's not.

    fucking Tom lied to me. I also believe Tom is Vietnam Vet and ex pilot FInny. yes Our Finny is most likely a guy name Tom
  2. #2
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck You Tom
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