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lysergamides are starting to dry up on the rc scene

  1. #1
    It sucks because they're the best rcs out there. I only have a few blotters left so I'm good for like one more trip but I've been meaning to buy a bunch more before they dry up and leave me like MXE did. Anyways if you want to get some, now would probably be the time.
  2. #2
    Shut the fuck up nobody asked how hard it is for you to obtain real drugs so it gets outsourced because tiny chinks are the only people who won't just take your money
  3. #3
    Originally posted by yum Shut the fuck up nobody asked how hard it is for you to obtain real drugs so it gets outsourced because tiny chinks are the only people who won't just take your money

    Buying drugs, especially lysergamides, on the internet is way better than irl. You know where they come from, can read reviews from everyone else, you know it's pure and the chemical you ordered. You also know it hasn't sat in some guy's sock drawer or hot car for 3 months before you take it. Plus you can get different ones, ALD-52 and 1P-LSD, with slightly different effects, so you have a little more control over the trip you want to take.

    Anyone who says otherwise is ignoring reality. But yea I get it, a lot of my old friends who have been heavy into meth/heroin don't trust research chems because they are so used to buying from a dealer they just can't wrap their mind around the fact that they can buy legit drugs on the internet (like on amazon?) so they think they're going to get ripped off. Their mind always change when they agree to get dosed on it though.
  4. #4
    Plenty of LSA out there its just used to make pharmaceuticals or LSD.
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