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Annoying neighbors.

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Anyone here have annoying neighbors? I've lived at my current apartment for almost 4 years and I've had rad neighbors and bad neighbors come and go. But the annoying ones are insufferable.

    This indian guy (rasheed) and his white sexy girlfriend (rachel) just moved in. He's your quintessential shy indian computer science student.
    They just moved in a few doors down from me. I was at the store the other day and I saw them in the check out lane. And was like, "hey whats up guys" and he looked all nervous and freaked out like a cat had his tongue. But his gf was very cor-dual and we exchanged pleasantries as good Texan neighbors do when they see each other in public.

    Anyways a couple nights ago, she kicked him out of his own apartment because they had a fight (he told me all this) and he was staying in a motel down the street. He was crying like a cuck.

    I told him gl with that bud. And like every 4-5 hours you will hear him knocking on his own door whimpering out "racharoooo, racharoooo...!" (his pet name for his rachel) and just keeps doing it. It was really late and I'm just chillin sippin a brew and he's at it again, "racharooooo! racharooo please let me talk to you!"

    So I open my door and stick my head out and start whimpering "rasheedarooo rasheedaroo stfu please..." And shut the door and went back to chillin, luckily that made him quit
    but still what the hell?

    Then theres this girl I fucked that lives in the other building and she's always asking me for a ride (i don't do it)
    and she's always asking me if I can get adderal or vicodins. I sold her some klonopins a couple times and she was like "ahh yeah thanks Doug, when I get my vicodin/addie script in I'll throw you some for free" then when I ask her about it the next time she's asking for a ride, she's like ahhh no I can't I really need them, Doug. In a very condescending tone, and I say well I'll pay for some then, and she still blows me off.

    So fuck her, and the fucked up thing is she's called me late at night and even showed up at my door one night drunk as fuck and probably benzo'd out asking If I wanted to have sex. And I did fuck her a few times when I first met her, but never again, she's gross as hell. All she does is sit at home watching "supernatural" and smoking cigs talking about being a jedi princess and how she needs to get her script. Wicked annoying.
  2. #2
    bling bling Dark Matter
  3. #3
    Everyone seems to hate annoying neighbors I don't mind it because It draws attention away from my activities. I'm trying to hide hard drug abuse and my dad is talking about fighting the next door neighbor its like whoa chill out man.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^lol your dad seems cool. why does he want to fight your neighbor?
  5. #5
    I dunno, my dad gets randomly aggressive with people. His neighbor is a coke/pill dealer so there is 20 people there every day and my dad will stare out the window and say "THATS THE FOURTH GUY IN AN HOUR!, I've seen this guy twice today!". Also the neighbor likes to play drums and scream a lot.

    ANd the neighbor on the other side listens to loud blues music and drunk indians come over and dance in his house at 4am, make lots of noise.

    And the drummers neighbor is also a loan shark and heavys the other neighbor so they always get into loud verbal fights and sometimes the police are called and they try to involve my dad in the drama.

    Another neighbor in that building died of opiates after I left.
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^damn and I thought I lived in a rowdy building. We have one loud guy that sells dabs, but no one here cares. And most everyone else is fairly quiet most of the time. It's just they bug on a different level I guess.
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