I bred
New Horizons Items every single blossom in the game!
Ah well done! I am still trying for the elusive green mum and I've just given up entirely on the blue rose lol.
I really don't like roses anyhow so I do not know where I would put it!
Those 2 flowers are the bane of my life, lmao. I have have 20+ purple mums breeding for some time and have still yet to get a green one and needed to restart the whole process for blue roses a few of days ago because I did a measure wrong
The green mums came easy to me. But the purple tulips and windflowers that are apparently simpler to get are spiting me.
Yeah, purple windflowers are bizarre. Despite them being my native flower, it took me multiple months to even get you, and it was from randoms in contrast to the ones I had been trying to strain.
Same. I think that it's because I began with mums as my native flower. I had purple ones without attempting to breed.
And with just 1 buddy help water. Still awaiting the green mum!
Island purples have various genetics than the purples you obtain from breeding seed whites. You can breed these purples from seeds by crossing red and yellow to get hybrid yellow, then crossing those to find the special purples.
Edit: The hybrid yellows will also have an opportunity to make green, however they make purple often and the purples possess a fairly large probability of earning green.
Oh I understand they have different genetics but was unsure whether they had a better Opportunity to spawn greens compared to ones
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