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There Are 100 Days Left In 2020

  1. #41
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by mmQ I'll ask you the same question. Have these last 4 years been bad years for you?

    They have indeed been worrisome. I don't like what Trump is dividing our country into. Obama didn't have extended times of protests and rioting.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #42
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    On Monday morning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention edited its Web page describing how the novel coronavirus spreads, removing recently added language saying it was “possible” that it spreads via airborne transmission. It was the third major revision to CDC information or guidelines published since May.

    The agency had posted information Friday stating the virus can transmit over a distance beyond six feet, suggesting that indoor ventilation is key to protecting against a virus that has now killed nearly 200,000 Americans.

    The CDC shifted its guidelines Friday, but the change was not widely noticed until a CNN report Sunday. Where the agency previously warned that the virus mostly spreads through large drops encountered at close range, on Friday, it had said “small particles, such as those in aerosols,” were a common vector.


    But Jay Butler, the CDC’s deputy director for infectious disease, said the Friday update was posted in error. “Unfortunately an early draft of a revision went up without any technical review,” he said.

    The edited Web page has removed all references to airborne spread, except for a disclaimer that recommendations based on this mode of transmission are under review. “We are returning to the earlier version and revisiting that process,” Butler said. “It was a failure of process at CDC.”

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    For months, scientists and public health experts have warned of mounting evidence that the coronavirus is airborne, transmitted through tiny droplets called aerosols that linger in the air much longer than the larger globs that come from coughing or sneezing.

    The novel coronavirus is a master of disguise: Here's how it works
    The novel coronavirus uses a number of tools to infect our cells and replicate. What we've learned from SARS and MERS can help fight covid-19. (Video: Brian Monroe/Photo: Brian Monroe/The Washington Post)
    Experts who reviewed the CDC’s Friday post had said the language change had the power to shift policy and public behavior. Some suggested it should drive a major rethinking of public policy — particularly at a time when students in many areas are returning to indoor classrooms.


    It was a “major change,” Jose-Luis Jimenez, a chemistry professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder who studies how aerosols spread the virus, told The Washington Post before the CDC reversed itself. “This is a good thing, if we can reduce transmission because more people understand how it is spreading and know what to do to stop it.”

    Since the pandemic began, experts have debated the ways the virus travels — and the methods to best halt it. At first, widespread fear of contaminated surfaces led some to bleach their groceries and mail. But the CDC soon concluded that person-to-person transmission was a much more pressing threat. Instead, the agency focused its guidance on avoiding the larger droplets hacked up by sneezes and coughs, which are thought to be mostly limited to a six-foot radius.

    “We have been saying ‘wear a mask’ and ‘6 feet apart’ for months,” tweeted Abraar Karan, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School. Karan said six feet of separation may be insufficient, particularly in poorly ventilated indoor areas.


    Some researchers suspected that the virus could travel much farther, especially indoors and in places where people talk loudly or sing. Infamously, one infected person in March unknowingly passed the coronavirus to 52 others at a choir practice in Washington state. Similar indoor “superspreader” events added weight to the idea of an airborne threat.

    The World Health Organization recognized the threat of aerosols in July, after hundreds of scientists urged the international body to address airborne spread. It is not clear why the CDC finally followed; Jimenez said high-ranking CDC officials were still arguing publicly against airborne transmission as a major vector as recently as late August.

    “Evidence has been accumulating for some time,” Jimenez said. “Those of us who have been studying this were frustrated that the change was slow, but it finally came.”

    When asked who wrote the draft that was posted in error, Butler said: “I don’t have all of that information. Obviously I’m asking some of the same questions.”

    The CDC is “very intensively” discussing guardrails in the publication process to prevent a repeat error. “This cannot happen again,” Butler said. In May, the CDC updated an information page that suggested the coronavirus did not spread easily from contaminated surfaces. It also edited that revision after the update received widespread media attention to clarify that the tweak was “not a result of any new science.”

    And last week, the CDC reversed testing guidelines to again recommend that anyone, regardless of symptoms, who has been in close contact with an infected person be tested. The White House coronavirus task force had directed the agency to change those guidelines in August, allowing that asymptomatic people did not need to be tested.

    Read more:

    The fitness industry is trying to lure gym members back — but experts say it’s using flawed data

    At least 199,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.

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  3. #43
    Learn to clip your paste. Nobody is gonna sift through ads.
  4. #44
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Technologist This year has really sucked for me, and thats despite Covid. I’m ready for it to be over😒

    well it's not gonna be. There was supposed to be a vaccine already but there isn't

    This is our reality now and you better accept it or not only will your respritory health be compromised but also your mental health.
  5. #45
    Bugz Space Nigga
    99 days left now.

    let this be the official Countdown page. Sticky mr Lanny ?
  6. #46
    Bugz Space Nigga
    99 is said to be an Angel Number. Warning people of their selfishness.

    The Day that looked like the Apocalypse was on 9/9/2020 in the San Francisco Area. 99 Is not a bad number but it's a warning to help others and perhaps the homeless problem that is not being solved and how San Francisco has always been known as progressive but also a huge wealth Gap.

    Edited: For Image Change
  7. #47
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood well it's not gonna be. There was supposed to be a vaccine already but there isn't

    This is our reality now and you better accept it or not only will your respritory health be compromised but also your mental health.

    Who said there was supposed to be a vaccine already?
  8. #48
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Who said there was supposed to be a vaccine already?

    Russia said they have one. but do you want a vacine from Russia? we're slowly being invaded by Russia and China and Saudi Arabs buying up real estate here and sending in the version of Mafia.

    Communism didn't die it just layed low and modified.
  9. #49
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Bugz Russia said they have one. but do you want a vacine from Russia? we're slowly being invaded by Russia and China and Saudi Arabs buying up real estate here and sending in the version of Mafia.

    Communism didn't die it just layed low and modified.

    In Russsia virus doesn't get vaccine vaccine gets virus.
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Bugz Russia said they have one. but do you want a vacine from Russia? we're slowly being invaded by Russia and China and Saudi Arabs buying up real estate here and sending in the version of Mafia.

    Communism didn't die it just layed low and modified.

    This is not communism lol
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