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QAnon Are Quazy Motherfuckers
2020-09-18 at 4 PM UTCAccording to the current Time magazine article "Down The Rabbit Hole" (Sept. 21-28 pg. 74), QAnon "followers believe President Trump is a hero safeguarding the world from a "deep state" cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities who run a global sex-trafficking ring, harvesting the blood of children for life-sustaing chemicals."
Let's think about this. Just because I believe Trump is a dangerous, incompetent clown who has no business being our President nakes me a Satan--worshipping pedophile member of a sex trafficking ring harvesting the blood of children for life-sustaining chemicals?
The article further goes on to describe QAnon followers believing Covid-19 is a hoax, an evil cabal operates tunnels under the U.S. in order to rape and torture children and drink their blood, Democrats were going to bring in U.N. troops before the election to prevent a Trump win, etc.
"They aren't just infected with conspiracy; they appear to be inoculated against reality."
"They're not on the same epistemological grounding, they're not living in the same world," says Whitney Phillips, a professor at Syracuse who studies online disinformation. "You cannot have a functioning democracy when people are not at the very least occupying the same solar system." -
2020-09-18 at 4:04 PM UTCPure nut jobs. Anyone who believes that shit truly is a “basket of deplorables“🥴The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-18 at 4:06 PM UTCTbh, pretty much any of these types of conspiracy theories are quite useful to me as a heuristic litmus test for IQ.
I just tally up the number of these conspiracies a person believes in then calculate their IQ by dividing 100 by that number.
If they mention the luminardy or reptilians, those count for 2 points apiece. -
2020-09-18 at 4:09 PM UTCTo be fair, though, Epstein's island turned out to be true.
But broken clocks are right at least two times a day. -
2020-09-18 at 4:12 PM UTC
Originally posted by gadzooks Tbh, pretty much any of these types of conspiracy theories are quite useful to me as a heuristic litmus test for IQ.
I just tally up the number of these conspiracies a person believes in then calculate their IQ by dividing 100 by that number.
If they mention the luminardy or reptilians, those count for 2 points apiece.
Just how I feel.
How can people be so damn stupid and gullible?
Then I read some Shlomo the Homo or Skunk post and just SMH. -
2020-09-18 at 4:33 PM UTCWhy are none of the quazies on here to defend themselves and their QAnon beliefs?
Skunk? -
2020-09-18 at 4:35 PM UTCI mean I can't even get a refutation of Time magazine out of these quazies.
What's up with that? -
2020-09-18 at 4:40 PM UTC
Originally posted by gadzooks Tbh, pretty much any of these types of conspiracy theories are quite useful to me as a heuristic litmus test for IQ.
I just tally up the number of these conspiracies a person believes in then calculate their IQ by dividing 100 by that number.
If they mention the luminardy or reptilians, those count for 2 points apiece.
I'm going to laugh when your 200 IQ fivehead ass gets dragged to the FEMA camps by the liserd illuminati to get a vaccine that gives your children autism and implants an RFID tracker into you to bring about the abolishment of paper currency and borders. I bet you think the satanic NASA globe model is real (NASA is HEBREW for DECEPTION) and a bunch of Saudis did 9/11 and their passports miraculously survived the crash and also that tower 7 collapsing is totally non-suspicious. -
2020-09-18 at 4:46 PM UTC
Originally posted by Meikai I'm going to laugh when your 200 IQ fivehead ass gets dragged to the FEMA camps by the liserd illuminati to get a vaccine that gives your children autism and implants an RFID tracker into you to bring about the abolishment of paper currency and borders. I bet you think the satanic NASA globe model is real (NASA is HEBREW for DECEPTION) and a bunch of Saudis did 9/11 and their passports miraculously survived the crash and also that tower 7 collapsing is totally non-suspicious.
Aliens did 9/11.
Saudis converted the Aliens to Islam, though.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-18 at 5:06 PM UTCDemocrats have such better senses of humor than self-loathing Republicans.
2020-09-18 at 5:16 PM UTCI do honestly believe there is a prevalence of pedophilia among some elites of the world, namely the clintons and the royal family, but this is documented and true. I think it's a factor of why Harry and Meghan left the UK and why Bill Clinton had Maxwell at Chelsea's wedding. Blah Blah Blah, I sound like a retard I know.
Problem is within that speck of truth it gets taken to a ridiculously stupid degree and now I have friends who believe Ellen and Trudeau are on house arrest awaiting charges for child rape etc. Its all a cute theory but has no basis in reality. I'm trying to convince my friend to make a youtube channel I KNOW will have a ton of hits and I will share it with you when I do.
The qanon thing is absolutley retarded tho. Its funny it started as a shitpost on 4chan. Whatever dumbass wrote the original post is laughing their ass off, same as the person who said they saw "shadowy people getting on a plane" then saw Donald Trump say thr same thing. There's a feedback loop and its retarded and funny sometimes. People really gotta stop fuckin dem kids tho -
2020-09-18 at 5:18 PM UTC
I want to make a thread about Q but I never have the time or attention span
basically I've always thought it to be ridiculous, but one of BAP's recent shows touched on how effectively it's mobilised huge groups of people (mostly boomers), so even if most of what it says is dumb, it's an extremely effective political tool/weapon.
I would've disagreed with the point because I don't think its reach is as far as he made it out to be, but then I remembered how most of the social media giants banned any discussion of it or group organisation around its hashtags. at the time I thought they were overreacting because, like I said, I figured the content was too obviously fake for most people to take seriously, but perhaps I underestimated what it represents and how it might appeal to people who don't even believe the lore
it's been an extremely effective tool for mobilising boomers if that was ever the goal -
2020-09-18 at 5:20 PM UTCIt’s funny watching people who think:
Trump is literally Hitler
Masks work
The government should be trusted
Blm:Antifa are peaceful
Police are randomly murdering innocent black men
Russian collusion
Covington kid
Juicy smoolet
Bubba wallace
White supremacy is behind all the violence
Biden isn’t brain burnt
Biden isn’t a pedo
Biden isn’t racist but trump is
You can’t get covid protesting,but you can at sturgis
All statistics are racist
Think Qanon is crazy. Lol.
You’re all dumb cunts...The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-18 at 5:31 PM UTC
Originally posted by Archer513 It’s funny watching people who think:
Trump is literally Hitler
Masks work
The government should be trusted
Blm:Antifa are peaceful
Police are randomly murdering innocent black men
Russian collusion
Covington kid
Juicy smoolet
Bubba wallace
White supremacy is behind all the violence
Biden isn’t brain burnt
Biden isn’t a pedo
Biden isn’t racist but trump is
You can’t get covid protesting,but you can at sturgis
All statistics are racist
Think Qanon is crazy. Lol.
You’re all dumb cunts… -
2020-09-18 at 6:12 PM UTC
2020-09-18 at 6:23 PM UTCit does sound impossible for dems to be so far gone,,,,,,, however it does warrant investigation to the 10th power,, thereforeskin we have to reelect TRUMP so as we can scrutinize the dems to the fullest extent of the law,, just like the dems did to TRUMP,, its only fare and if we vote TRUMP OUT we will never get this done and the truth may never be found out.
I really do hope its mostly far fetched and untrue but I'll bet it worse than we are willing to believe. -
2020-09-18 at 6:33 PM UTC
2020-09-18 at 6:46 PM UTC
2020-09-18 at 6:47 PM UTCMind if I borrow some of your rocks to throw, Tech?
Originally posted by Archer513 It’s funny watching people who think:
Trump is literally Hitler
Masks work
The government should be trusted
Blm:Antifa are peaceful
Police are randomly murdering innocent black men
Russian collusion
Covington kid
Juicy smoolet
Bubba wallace
White supremacy is behind all the violence
Biden isn’t brain burnt
Biden isn’t a pedo
Biden isn’t racist but trump is
You can’t get covid protesting,but you can at sturgis
All statistics are racist
Think Qanon is crazy. Lol.
You’re all dumb cunts…
Trump wishes he were Hitler. That damn Constitution!
Masks do work and are more effective than a vaccine until enough have been vaccinated.
The government must be trusted (but watchdogged and called out by legitimate journalists) or else there is anarchy.
Should blacks be peaceful after George Floyd and that nutjob lady in Central Park with her dog? Would you be? I think they've shown great restraint for the most part.
Police are murdering black men. I just don't believe the police are innocent. I believe what I saw with my own eyes. "Innocent" or "Guilty" is to be determined by a court of law, not a cop on a man's neck...for what was it, 7-9 minutes while the man pleaded with him because he wasn't able to breathe. Who, exactly, are the antifa anyway (except a scare tactic "bogeymen")?
Just wait until the pee-pee tape gets released!
Don't know.
Jessie Smollett is a clown who should be in jail for the stunt he pulled. One individual proves nothing anyway.
Bubba Wallace did nothing wrong. I would have thought the same thing in his situation. BTW, his fellow white drivers supported him.
Without white supremacy, there would be no black anger. Archer must have a hard time wearing someone else's shoes.
Biden seems fine to me. He doesn't appear any more gaff-likely than he ever was. He just has a lot more going on in his brain than our "dumb it down" President.
Just patently false and not worth responding to. Shameful to have been brought up.
Biden isn’t racist but Trump is. Finally, we agree!
Covid is fake news...isn't it? Why don't you go to a crowded bar for an evening and then visit your parents or grandparents. Don't forget to give them a big wet kiss!
All statistics are...statistics. It's all in how you manipulate them. In Trump's case, he doesn't even bother to manipulate them. Hell, he just makes them up.
So, Archer...you believe "President Trump is a hero safeguarding the world from a "deep state" cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, Democratic politicians and Hollywood celebrities who run a global sex-trafficking ring, harvesting the blood of children for life-sustaing chemicals." and "believing Covid-19 is a hoax, an evil cabal operates tunnels under the U.S. in order to rape and torture children and drink their blood, Democrats were going to bring in U.N. troops before the election to prevent a Trump win, etc.
And we're the dumb cunts?
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-18 at 6:49 PM UTC