there is a hidden lightwave spectrum that mirrors light but instead of 180,000 miles a second it move slower than time and allowing us to witness the choronovisor which the simular sounding homophone is a shell game of covid19 to keep us sheltered while the elitist test out their choronovisor.
so if someone hears about choronovisor, theyre told theyre skitzo and they must of overheard coronavirus.
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
That justin long dough is one pretty funny hoser
I liked when he got a monkey wrench thrown at his face in dodge ball haha
My kids would tell me the boy down the street from us way back in the early 2k would cry when playing dodgeball. he couldn't catch or get out of the way. kids then went brutal as fuck on him.
I've been hit with harder things than wrenches to the head. but there is nothing funny about a wrench kissing your skull Bill Krozby. well maybe yours.