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the lolita problem - red herring
2020-08-16 at 2:20 PM UTCpossibly one of the most monumental articles ever written about the internet note how it was shut down or wuieted by the powere thwt be and you have to go through wya back mahcine just to access it now:
https://web.archive.org/web/20020402071803/https://www.redherring.com/insider/2002/0118/1249.html -
2020-08-16 at 2:21 PM UTCbtw thomas reedy was a ducking self twught computer genius and entrepreneur and fuk anna spysz.
2020-08-16 at 2:27 PM UTClol everyone was in on it just admit it or even enjoyed it and da big bucks involved:
„ In an investigation of Lolita sites, Red Herring uncovered highly organized commerce--possibly illegal--involving credit card firms like Visa and MasterCard, Web communities like Yahoo Geocities and Eccentrix Dot Com, third-party credit card processors like iWest and BillCards, online advertisers like Chevron and Orbitz, and Web-hosting companies like Verio and UUNet, a subsidiary of WorldCom. Thanks to the Internet's capabilities for distribution and e-commerce transactions, this dirty business has brazenly exploded into an eerily efficient and highly profitable industry.” -
2020-08-16 at 2:28 PM UTCsounds like fun to me:
„ Webmasters pay the girls $25, without their parents' permission," he says. "They go to a local forest and shoot pictures and the Webmaster makes $10,000 from the photos." The owners of these sites, however, can make a king's ransom. "Some of these Russian sites make $30,000 to $40,000 per month," says Kevin Bell, a spokesperson for the U.S. Customs Service in Washington, D.C. "In the screwed-up Russian economy, just one month of that is enough to survive on for years." -
2020-08-16 at 2:39 PM UTCits red herring thus popular media clear web and all.
2020-08-16 at 2:52 PM UTC
Police were contacted in early May by the girl’s parents after Lata allegedly made “inappropriate” advances through her MySpace page. Online conversations between Lata and a person he believed was the 12-year-old continued. However, Lata was actually communicating with an Orland police officer, police said.
Lata attempted twice to meet the girl. At the first meeting May 16 in Aquatic Park Lata reportedly struck up a conversation with an undercover officer assigned to wait for him, asking if anyone had seen the 12-year-old.
At the second meeting, on May 26, Lata was arrested. Police served a search warrant at Lata’s Chico home and seized four computers at the same time he was being arrested in Orland.
"Hey, bud… see any 12 year olds around here?" -
2020-08-16 at 2:56 PM UTClol red herring - the business of technology:
https://www.redherring.com/ -
2020-08-16 at 3:24 PM UTCIt was probably removed due to the sleazy style of the journalism. Trying to imply credit card processors were conspiring with child porn producers and the like. It's the same style of journalism you find so much nowadays, used against white people.
2020-08-16 at 3:27 PM UTC
2020-08-16 at 3:36 PM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting It was probably removed due to the sleazy style of the journalism. Trying to imply credit card processors were conspiring with child porn producers and the like. It's the same style of journalism you find so much nowadays, used against white people.
but maybe they were hell maybe everyone was i to it or would be had the powers that be not been so snoopy and tried to taking the bit bucks away and peoples livelihoods in the west. i mean the numbers speak for themselves and credit card companies do monitor transactions so how would they not know lol. now everyone is innocent except me stwr trek lol. yea theyre all in ocent fucking star trek they had no idea why their vida logow as visible on the wides or what he transcacrions coming tons of thousands per month to a site were about lol. -
2020-08-16 at 3:36 PM UTCyea star trek its the anti white people who did it lol.
2020-08-16 at 3:38 PM UTCor maybe they were too big to fsil star trek unlike landslide studios and the one down guy the one fall guy thomas reedy by a greedy texas prosecutor named terri moore ? thiught of thst in your not even bachelors degree brain star trek?
2020-08-16 at 3:38 PM UTCI dunno how you take that article seriously, as much as a world where CP is facilitated by big companies may appeal to you.
2020-08-16 at 3:40 PM UTCbtw star trek i found multiple sources corraborating this thwt they were infolved including statements made by thomas townsend during his arrest yrs earlier before this article was published during operation ore or as a result thomas reedy and landslide productions who they pinned as the fall guy or who they fucked basiclaly for being self taught like you and lewrning the computer and being a good entrepreneur. basically yea there is no problem lets jsut blame one fucking guy fromt exas and bitch as fem feminist terri mooore can stwrt birch as politicalc areer star trek.
2020-08-16 at 3:42 PM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I dunno how you take that article seriously, as much as a world where CP is facilitated by big companies may appeal to you.
so its all fake star trek? have u even seen the sites back in the day, followed the trials, read the artivles and evenc ases on thomas reedy and others like i have? -
2020-08-16 at 3:43 PM UTCmaybe because i am a self made entrepreneur who is looking into online business ideas of how to make some big bucks star trek?
2020-08-16 at 3:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by Wariat btw star trek i found multiple sources corraborating this thwt they were infolved including statements made by thomas townsend during his arrest yrs earlier before this artivle was published during operwtion ore or as a result thomas reedy and landslide productions who they pinned as the fall guy or who they fucked basiclaly for being self twught like you and lewrning the computer and being a good entrepreneur.
Corroborating that Thomas Reedy was a real person, or corroborating the weird claims made about credit card acquirers being on the pedo train?
You remind me of techo claiming that there is lots of evidence when discussing Russia-Trump.
Yes, there is lots of evidence, and none of it demonstrates what is being claimed . -
2020-08-16 at 4:01 PM UTCnocne!!! fuys!!! fuys!!
2020-08-16 at 4:03 PM UTCi meant peter townsend he was on the trail looking into it before they shut him up by getting him.
2020-08-16 at 4:05 PM UTChe was looking into it plus his transaction alone proved his point and my point: