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Ideas for making a movie ( i will use your idea if its good but you will NOT be paid )

  1. #1
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    It will have a big fountain like rich people put in their hughmungous driveways, but this fountain will be different. It will be made out of volcanic rock like a gigantic Molcajete ( only a few users here will know what that is ). BUT, here's where this fountain gets very interesting: it will be heated ( not that i know what that word means) with an eternal flame fired from a hidden underground 1000 gallon propaneya tank. heated to a precisely thermostatically controlled 185 degrees Farenheit. Here's where things get VERY interesting: the fountain will be filled with fresh coffee and the top is a percolater, constantly brewing a steady trickle of fresh coffee with the old coffee running into a discrete overflow to the creek. The circulation pumps for the water feature will be custom designed and manufactured by A.Y. McDonald.

    Anyway thats just the opening scene of the movie. I have an idea later these two guys get up on a bunkbed and start rough housing and get in a slapping match which escalates quickly into one guy getting put into a giant football and rolled off the bed.

    Looking for ideas for another scene after the fountain the football thing is later in the movie

    edit: as you can imagine, on a cool morning the steamy hot coffee vapor fuming off towards the "slightly ajar ( du wut? )" window on your villa and you open the window it will smeel delightful
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Perhaps a giant cream cheese bagel in the 2 car garage?
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by A College Professor It will have a big fountain like rich people put in their hughmungous driveways, but this fountain will be different. It will be made out of volcanic rock like a gigantic Molcajete ( only a few users here will know what that is ). BUT, here's where this fountain gets very interesting: it will be heated ( not that i know what that word means) with an eternal flame fired from a hidden underground 1000 gallon propaneya tank. heated to a precisely thermostatically controlled 185 degrees Farenheit. Here's where things get VERY interesting: the fountain will be filled with fresh coffee and the top is a percolater, constantly brewing a steady trickle of fresh coffee with the old coffee running into a discrete overflow to the creek. The circulation pumps for the water feature will be custom designed and manufactured by A.Y. McDonald.

    Anyway thats just the opening scene of the movie. I have an idea later these two guys get up on a bunkbed and start rough housing and get in a slapping match which escalates quickly into one guy getting put into a giant football and rolled off the bed.

    Looking for ideas for another scene after the fountain the football thing is later in the movie

    edit: as you can imagine, on a cool morning the steamy hot coffee vapor fuming off towards the "slightly ajar ( du wut? )" window on your villa and you open the window it will smeel delightful

    Hey gont I have a bunch of ideas for movies you wouldn't believe. I sleep like 3 hours a day at most but when I do nod out I have came up with a bunch of ideas for a movie.

    Like say there was a kid walking down the street and he put his finger in a bottle of cola and it got stuck and he started freaking out because he was playing hooky but that bottle on his finger made him be able to fly..
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Story starts off with running through the woods with heavy panting .. branches breaking behind the person running .. someone is chasing them ..

    The person stumbles apon an old cabin and runs inside ...

    To be continued::

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Omg! My writers block!

    I forgot where I heard that but how they said it tickles me..
  6. #6
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    ~ a movie set, a cast and crew working hard on a horror movie, many are killed in said film. soon some of the cast and crew end up being killed. prime suspect is the maniacal director hell bent on making this film and looking very guilty. he claims a Jason Voorhees/Leatherface monster did it. he has blackouts because of his alcoholism
    ~ a house in the middle of nowhere away from all the grind and bullshit of city life. inside a family a decorated devoted husband/cop, his wife, his junkie drunk brother, and 3 kids ages 9-16 the oldest a young man who has a large chip on his shoulder and having many depraved thoughts about his family. the ticking time bomb about to explode.
    ~ devoted cop meets the drunken unhinged director. his thoughts "he is guilty." the monster does not exist he knows that. he slowly becomes entangled in the directors world. weeks maybe months pass before he sees his family again/ the next time he does see them his entire world is destroyed and he is left for dead by his own blood. as for the rest of the family? he founds out once he wakes from his coma
    ~ the murders continue over several years.~ cop wakes up x amount of years later...t.v. is on the director is in the news again and so is his son's murderous ways. his memory isn't foggy at all...he remembers everything and he is hell bent on bringing them down at any cost~ heals and returns to his work. more decorated and respected by all even more so now and he has more power too. he looks into all cases involving the director and his son. its not about revenge....just justice. ~ 4 piece to the puzzle someone drawing all the main characters of the show on a collison course....does the monster really exist?~ A young homeless girl holds many answers.....the final chapters i can not reveal...the real horror is coming...
    Se7en for like 3 quarters...and than descent in blood and guts mayhem.. A trip to Hell.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Okay my writers block is gone..

    Thunder crashes &!lightning strikes!
    The knob begins to turn.. they are coming into the cabin ..
    But there a secret door in the floor.. could be a way out or a way in... to another dimension....

    To be continued:

  8. #8
    Octavian motherfucker
    A tortured soul and failed artist makes his way in an unjust world where he is treated like absolute garbage.

    Ending ***SPOILERS***

    The audience have been following a protagonist and misled into believing this anti hero is worthy of redemption.

    Film ending:

    Just as the protagonist is on the verge of securing a major deal for his "Avante Garde" masterpiece artwork, a young adolescent girl exploring the gallery encounters one of his said masterpieces.

    - Flash backs to when she was young and being abused and locked in a basement. Her captor escapes just as police raid the building where she is being held captive. -

    She realizes the artwork was an earlier piece hung in the room of no other than the protagonist's basement where she was kept as a child.

    "He was never caught, but the memories scarred her deeper than the sharpest blade."

    She then hears the all too familar voice of her captor from years ago, talking to a possible buyer of other artwork he has on display.

    " can't be". Her heart sinks.

    The camera pans to her face, full of shock, vengeful anger comes to the fore. This is the moment she has always dreamed of, yet in a split second she composes herself; straightens her dress and walks over, hand outstretched to shake hands with the man who has haunted her entire life...


    (Possible revenge sequel)
  9. #9
    CandyRein Black Hole
    I gotta find out a way to incorporate a medieval duel scene in my in “Cable Guy”
  10. #10
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by CandyRein I gotta find out a way to incorporate a medieval duel scene in my in “Cable Guy”

  11. #11
    Originally posted by A College Professor It will have a big fountain like rich people put in their hughmungous driveways, but this fountain will be different. It will be made out of volcanic rock like a gigantic Molcajete ( only a few users here will know what that is ). BUT, here's where this fountain gets very interesting: it will be heated ( not that i know what that word means) with an eternal flame fired from a hidden underground 1000 gallon propaneya tank. heated to a precisely thermostatically controlled 185 degrees Farenheit. Here's where things get VERY interesting: the fountain will be filled with fresh coffee and the top is a percolater, constantly brewing a steady trickle of fresh coffee with the old coffee running into a discrete overflow to the creek. The circulation pumps for the water feature will be custom designed and manufactured by A.Y. McDonald.

    Anyway thats just the opening scene of the movie. I have an idea later these two guys get up on a bunkbed and start rough housing and get in a slapping match which escalates quickly into one guy getting put into a giant football and rolled off the bed.

    Looking for ideas for another scene after the fountain the football thing is later in the movie

    edit: as you can imagine, on a cool morning the steamy hot coffee vapor fuming off towards the "slightly ajar ( du wut? )" window on your villa and you open the window it will smeel delightful

    I am engrossed.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #12
    CandyRein Black Hole

    “ If we don’t battle to the death.. they willll.. kill us both”
  13. #13
    CandyRein Black Hole
  14. #14
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    So who's and whats head(s)in it will come off from here? Oct's, Grylls', Vinnie's? triple kill in seconds??
  15. #15
    CandyRein Black Hole
    I won’t be be-heading any posters.. maybe the next flick I’ll incorporate it ...
    Just realized...I need vampires this movie ain’t gonna be chit without them ..

    I’m gonna add a twilight new moon vibe to it.. 2 hott vamps.. one good one evil but both hott in a mysterious heart throb way
  16. #16
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    what about Spectral in a gorilla suit acting all Big footie-ish. Just think him a pinata and kill him with your joystick
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    CandyRein Black Hole
    That could work...

    *writes it in*
  18. #18
    You can behead me for shock value but what the audience doesn’t know is I can regenerate and my body parts grow back in doubles.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    CandyRein Black Hole

    I couldn’t even make it pass the first 6 words
  20. #20
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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