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Music thats great for DPH sessions

  1. #1
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Took a 100mg pill for sleep and thought I'd stay up to see how it augments fapping and music.
    It's starting to set in, I can feel the relaxation.

    Listening to that ATM.
    I was reading Mein Kampf but it was starting to become difficult to keep up with.

    Did I mention DPH is great for relaxation?
  2. #2
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Someday I should make a whole album while sedated on dph throughout the process of making it
  3. #3
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Ambient and post rock are great for sitatuons like this
  4. #4
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Someday I'm gonna take around 200 - 400mg and go into space engine in vr while listening to ambient music
  5. #5
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut

    Can you imagine this in vr while high on dph?
  6. #6
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
  7. #7
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
  8. #8
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Well although a low dose, 100mg is plenty enough for music enhancement.
    If I could keep myself awake long enough I wonder if 400mg would make any differnce.

    Listening to that last song I linked.
    It sounds more stereo as some people have put it, also I am getting a little bit of that conscious enhancement weed gave me where you feel more inside of the sound, whereas sober it feels more flat and one-dimensional.
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    low dose I never felt enough to bother, high-ish dose it starts to get very hard to concentrate on anything

    though high dose VR would be interesting for all the wrong reasons, spider XTREME
  10. #10
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    i fukn hate dph

    fuk a nigger-whore
  11. #11
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I like taking over a gram and trying to use a computer. It's kind of like being drunk

  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Op should get real drugs
  13. #13
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S i fukn hate dph

    fuk a nigger-whore

  14. #14
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Op should get real drugs

    Have you ever even tried a trip dosage?
  15. #15
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I like taking over a gram and trying to use a computer. It's kind of like being drunk

    For me DPH gives me a huge sense of relaxation.
    If you get stressed out or agitated, take a couple dph pills (200mg).
    Combine DPH with relaxing music and it's like relaxing on a grassy field as a child during a nice spring day, pure bliss.
  16. #16
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi Why?

    uncomfortable dry-mouth and extreme pulsating headache.
  17. #17
    Hikikomori-Fujoshi African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S uncomfortable dry-mouth and extreme pulsating headache.

    I find the dry mouth more tolerable than weed.
    Also smoking weed gives me a headache, never had one on dph.
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I used to shoplift the entire shelf of beedrill from multiple stores. I walked around the store ripping open boxes of pill bottles and poking my finger through the foil seal and dumping all the pills in my pocket.

    One of the banners here is NIS written in pink pills from my stash. It lasted months and then they stopped putting so much on the shelf so I could only get a box or two at a time which didn't last me very long because I took it every day.

    Dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine both potentiate each other so I often mixed them. It makes a bundy trip really sinister and dark like Halloween.
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