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goddamn school is stressing me tfo

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Sophie Sounds good to me nigga'. (n_n")

    word, i've been in school for a few years now and i was an absolute retard before i started, due to a combination of just general lifelong ignorance, a lot of drug abuse, and the military, so it feels good to finally reach a point where i can figure shit out on my own without having to look things up, even though its been like a year and a half since i took mechanics.
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^did you ever leave your gf ?
  3. #23
    nope. i guess you have permission to call me a cuck. to be fair i basically fucked a ton of shit up too but was just too high on stimulants and far up my ass at the time to admit to my wrongdoing.
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