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Poll: Does Hiki have a disgusting Juden nose?

Does Hiki have a digusting juden nose?

  1. #21
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung His nose looks good, it"s what you call a 'Roman Nose'. Both sides are symmetrical, the bridge descends nicely at about a 45 degree angle, which is aesthetically pleasing. It's not crooked or pointy in the slightest. Stick to ribbing him about living at home, because the nose thing is simply not valid. It doesn't even bother hiki, either, because he knows it's a baseless accusation. Poor trolling.

    this coming from the Official Online Racist. that was actually very tame of you to point out. maybe there is hope for you afterall.

    My only hate is towards False J'ews. the ones that claim their J'ewish and many run the state of israel which is a false Israel. they also own

    I broke down one room on there pointing out they're Mossad running a channel pretending to be Nazi. Not that I have a problem with that in itself but they're creating a watchlist for their own profiteering. They were friendly towards me and then they stopped talking to me on that channel saying "now that you know who we are, whats your point"

    everytime I went in the room, when they were all laughing and chatty, they all suddenly shut down and dont say shit. LOL

    I dont think I'll be going in there anymore. the one guy who likes to talk conspiracy in there shut down real fast when I said Mossad helped in 9/11 suddenly they tried to spin their bullshit on me. calling me the crazy conspiracy guy yet they're all in there showing Pro-Hitler love and 88/14 or 14/88 or whatever it is.

    it's all a big fucking game for the elitist. Not just false J'ews but False Christians, Wahabist Muslims and so on. they're all friends. Saudi Arabia and State of Israel should be natural enemies like Cats and Dogs. but instead they're allies and both started the War on Iraq using Americans to do their deed. while they're the fucking people who Attacked NYC and help fund the fucking American WUO group

    SUCK A FUCK! totse related
  2. #22
    Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung His nose looks good, it"s what you call a 'Roman Nose'. Both sides are symmetrical, the bridge descends nicely at about a 45 degree angle, which is aesthetically pleasing. It's not crooked or pointy in the slightest. Stick to ribbing him about living at home, because the nose thing is simply not valid. It doesn't even bother hiki, either, because he knows it's a baseless accusation. Poor trolling.

    Shut up ball chinian
  3. #23
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Nil we've never gotten a decent sidewise take of his profile so you're just making shit up, and hiki is a goddamned uncivilized shameless child who needs to, i don't fucking know get a job or go outside, and not just to scribble a swastika in the mall bathroom while his mom buys him a video game.

    Sure Sounds like your issue(s) with him are regarding his behavior, not his looks.
  4. #24
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by WellHung Sure Sounds like your issue(s) with him are regarding his behavior, not his looks.

    I just want the best for everyone. we should get him a hooker for christmas.
  5. #25
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Nil I just want the best for everyone. we should get him a hooker for christmas.

    he hates pussy. Thinks it's gross.
  6. #26
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Did you know that District Attorney of San Francisco (current, Not Kamala Harris the soon to be new VP) Chesa Boudin, adopted father (who raised him because Bodins mom and real dad are in prison) Bill Ayers was in the news paper in NY Post talking about how the WUO movement and their use of Bombing and killing was needed and a good thing. they ran the story on 9/11/01 the very morning of the attacks.

    now Bill Ayers adopted son is D.A. in San Francisco and pissing off former cops (some current and the Union Boss for the SFPD) because his mother's and Father's group had killed a San Francisco Cop back around 1971. possible link to Chicago 7 (which Chicago also had police killed by WUO) also they're responsible for a bomb that went off in NYC (that destroyed actor Dustin Hoffman's Apartment) and again, his real mother and father (Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert)were imprisoned for killing 2 NYC cops and 1 NYC Brinks Guard when they robbed a brinks truck and shot all three of the men

    I can't blame DA Boudin for what his family did. no one can. but the thing is, he was raised a radicalist and even worked for Hugo Chavez, Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator in the administration of then-president Hugo Chávez.[16]

    He has an Interesting Family background
    He's related to Michael Boudine on the First Circuit
    His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[12] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government,
    and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.[13] Boudin is also related to Michael Boudin,[12] a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and Isidor Feinstein Stone, an independent journalist.

    again, one can not accuse the son of their parents crimes. but he was brainwashed from childhood. it says he didn't even learn to read until age of 9. WTF?

    I like his stand on prison reform. reforming Drug Addicts and decriminalization. and I dont like how Trump has focused on Hispanics being deported over other groups. clearly racist towards hispanics.

    I would also support such a person who wants to arrest corrupt police for their crimes against the oaths they have taken. and there are plenty of corrupt police in the bay area. both east bay and SF area.

    but Its clear that he might be working with corruption instead of against it. he's publicizing a cherry pick on corruption from the opposing team and no doubt is hiding shit. or protecting criminals in his favor?

    the world is seriously fucked up. and these people will take away from the older corrupt in power and become the new corrupt of power. that is all I am seeing.
  7. #27
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by WellHung he hates pussy. Thinks it's gross.

    the woman i loved called me gay cuz i said gross when she said eat a pussy. not her pussy, just "a" pussy.
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung he hates pussy. Thinks it's gross.

    Pussy hates you it thinks your gross
  9. #29
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bugz Did you know that District Attorney of San Francisco (current, Not Kamala Harris the soon to be new VP) Chesa Boudin, adopted father (who raised him because Bodins mom and real dad are in prison) Bill Ayers was in the news paper in NY Post talking about how the WUO movement and their use of Bombing and killing was needed and a good thing. they ran the story on 9/11/01 the very morning of the attacks.

    now Bill Ayers adopted son is D.A. in San Francisco and pissing off former cops (some current and the Union Boss for the SFPD) because his mother's and Father's group had killed a San Francisco Cop back around 1971. possible link to Chicago 7 (which Chicago also had police killed by WUO) also they're responsible for a bomb that went off in NYC (that destroyed actor Dustin Hoffman's Apartment) and again, his real mother and father (Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert)were imprisoned for killing 2 NYC cops and 1 NYC Brinks Guard when they robbed a brinks truck and shot all three of the men

    I can't blame DA Boudin for what his family did. no one can. but the thing is, he was raised a radicalist and even worked for Hugo Chavez, Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator in the administration of then-president Hugo Chávez.[16]

    He has an Interesting Family background
    He's related to Michael Boudine on the First Circuit
    His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[12] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government,
    and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.[13] Boudin is also related to Michael Boudin,[12] a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and Isidor Feinstein Stone, an independent journalist.

    again, one can not accuse the son of their parents crimes. but he was brainwashed from childhood. it says he didn't even learn to read until age of 9. WTF?

    I like his stand on prison reform. reforming Drug Addicts and decriminalization. and I dont like how Trump has focused on Hispanics being deported over other groups. clearly racist towards hispanics.

    I would also support such a person who wants to arrest corrupt police for their crimes against the oaths they have taken. and there are plenty of corrupt police in the bay area. both east bay and SF area.

    but Its clear that he might be working with corruption instead of against it. he's publicizing a cherry pick on corruption from the opposing team and no doubt is hiding shit. or protecting criminals in his favor?

    the world is seriously fucked up. and these people will take away from the older corrupt in power and become the new corrupt of power. that is all I am seeing.

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