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The only people who are racist are atheists

  1. #21
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by snab_snib if you love niggers so much, why don't you marry one, sudo?

    if you're going to ask for commentary about something like race in an environment and forum like this, don't be unprepared for someone to actually take you seriously and respond. pull your pants up.

    Wow you seem extremely dumb and boring. Your thoughts on race are dumb and boring too and you really don't say anything except "race is a thing because I'm scared of black people and not meek whites like me!!!"

    Your above post said absolutely nothing and your brain is empty of all but thee gayest possible thought forms
  2. #22
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    i'm beginning to doubt your whiteness, sudo. i'm beginning to think you have disabilities. you just don't know what you want, or how to get it. that's normally not a huge deal, but for someone who lacks character, it's concerning, sudo.

    you're kinda losing it here, sudo. maybe take a step back, take a deep breath, and think before you open your mouth again, sudo.
  3. #23
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by snab_snib only a generation of who have been made addled and dull by deliberate psychological abuse and mis-education could have been made to deny the reality of something as literal| and important as race. it would not be possible without a matrix of 24/7 stimulation and distraction, or complete surround sound bullshit blasted into impressionable brains from the age of 0.

  4. #24
    Originally posted by deephardwet theres no such thing as race.

    fake word.

    ^ is what people say when they failed racial purity test.

  5. #25
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by A College Professor dumbo

    He's my favorite god. More need to believe in him. It made the universe with its trunk. Blllayyeyeaahahhhhh was the sound. Whatever those elephants do in the circle of life video from lion king. LOIN KONG. they are humble. Good elephants. Good
    Here is a circus peanut.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo WHO HURT YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN???

    i think the phrase is, how you say, 'go back to reddit'.
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