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Who has gone teetotal?

  1. #1
    Octavian motherfucker
    Discuss how you were a degenerate, unemployed smack head and now life is great.

    I love those stories.
  2. #2
    Octavian motherfucker
    But why do woke womenz not walk me to my car after a night of fucking?
  3. #3
    Octavian motherfucker

    What do you think of my design. Think Dan Houser's brother will hire me for the next Red Dead?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Tea total since Sept 28th 2017.

    No withdrawal effects don't really miss it either. Life hasn't improved any, health has but not significantly due to the natural aging process anyway. Cheese consumption has increased.

    I still have alcohol in the house and it doesn't really both me sitting there. I keep meaning to give it all away...maybe to a homeless person but that's a chore isn't it.
  5. #5
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Never had any trouble quitting anything except caffeine for the most part. Meth, heroin and alcohol have so many side effects it was always easy to stop using.

    Weed isn't a drug unless you're genetically defective (british, etc) so weed doesn't count
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Never had any trouble quitting anything except caffeine for the most part. Meth, heroin and alcohol have so many side effects it was always easy to stop using.

    Weed isn't a drug unless you're genetically defective (british, etc) so weed doesn't count

    Oh yeah I gave up a 2 pot a day coffee habit at the same time too...just 1 cup a day now. Didn't really notice any change there either.
  7. #7
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Oh yeah I gave up a 2 pot a day coffee habit at the same time too…just 1 cup a day now. Didn't really notice any change there either.

    Jesus Christ. 2 pots a day. Sounds like something that would lead to erectile dysfunction if you'd kept that up, nevermind the heart problems.

    What's it take to get someone stimulated if they're so used to adding 'stimulants' to their body....

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Sounds like something that would lead to erectile dysfunction if you'd kept that up

    Funny play on words there.
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Octavian

    What do you think of my design. Think Dan Houser's brother will hire me for the next Red Dead?

    good work here.
  10. #10
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Octavian But why do woke womenz not walk me to my car after a night of fucking?

    but you walk them don’t you you wanker?
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Octavian Discuss how you were a degenerate, unemployed smack head and now life is great.

    I love those stories.

    Tell me about your cocaine use. How long/ how much did you use, and how did you quit?
  12. #12
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Tell me about your cocaine use. How long/ how much did you use, and how did you quit?

    I worked out 2018 alone I spent a minimum of 8 grand which made me shudder. All in all since I was 16 I think I've spent a good 50k on the shit.

    Fuck...that is bad.

    In conjunction with alcohol I guess I'm pretty fucked inside tbh. It's going to take a while to heal.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you still spend money on coke and hookers tho.
  14. #14
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Wariat you still spend money on coke and hookers tho.

    No not hookers. Had a relapse the other week but I wouldn't say it was a binge.

    I just need another fucking job and keep myself indoors bar the gym then I'll be OK.
  15. #15
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Octavian Discuss how you were a degenerate, unemployed smack head and now life is great.

    I love those stories.

    I dont want to be a dry drunk but i've had periods of not drinking and not doing drugs. usually I do drugs but then out of the blue I'll stop everthing for awhile. its weird because I can find all these hard drugs and not that I'm alwalys doing them but I can't find weed and ass that im willing to partake. its an ebb and flow
  16. #16
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Octavian

    What do you think of my design. Think Dan Houser's brother will hire me for the next Red Dead?

    its really pretty I have some that would stand up to that but I can't be arsed to post them right now, maybe you should try doing a liger

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    im drinking tea right now
  18. #18
    Octavian motherfucker
    My neighbors are work shy spastics that just smoke weed and argue. It literally fills me full hatred for all the lazy retard stoners. Hearing the fits her jail bird bf has if he hasn't got any weed makes me want to scream.

    I spent a good half of last year unemployed despite being given 2 opportunities. I cannot be arsed doing this shit for another year, I fucking hate not working.
  19. #19
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its really pretty I have some that would stand up to that but I can't be arsed to post them right now, maybe you should try doing a liger

    You don't really think that's my drawing do you? PMSL!!!

    I can draw a fucking horse, who do you think I am, Wariat?

  20. #20
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Octavian You don't really think that's my drawing do you? PMSL!!!

    I can draw a fucking horse, who do you think I am, Wariat?

    it was a joke...
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