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What do you do for a living?
2020-01-30 at 4:52 PM UTC
2020-01-30 at 4:53 PM UTCStl is such a birch for getting social security lol cucked by uncle Sam!!! Ahahahahahhahaha some peoples kids
2020-01-30 at 4:53 PM UTCMentally challenged if you believe that. Exactly how long would you suppose my SS checks would continue if all hell broke loose?
2020-01-30 at 4:54 PM UTC
Originally posted by stl1 I planned much better than that. I own a 4 bedroom, 2 bath Victorian home in a desirable section of town that has been paid for for a number of years now. I own three vehicles, all paid for. Besides utilities, my only other expenses are
entertainment and my monthly credit card bill which includes gas, food, etc. and is usually under $500/month. I also have retirement funds as well as savings. I do appreciate all of you wage slavers working so my check comes in every month. Also, I am not disabled.
Owning property isn't income unless you rent it or sell it...you know that, and having good credit isn't income either...fucking boomers. -
2020-01-30 at 4:54 PM UTCForever and ever they can just print more money at the FEDeral secrecy center in china
2020-01-30 at 4:55 PM UTC
2020-01-30 at 4:56 PM UTC
2020-01-30 at 4:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox So you worked for a living up til now? Then your SSI check is your OWN money getting paid back to you monthly at 0% interest by the government retard.
That's not how SSI works, His contributions paid for those who were retired when he paid in, his money is gone. It's not a savings scheme...it's always borrowing from the next generation...and one of the reasons it's doomed to fail (very soon).
More old people living longer and less young people being born and working = a huge imbalance of contributions vs payouts.
If you are relying on SSI for anything other than pocket change you are an idiot. I've got multiple sources of income lined up in 2 countries...one of them in the UK matures when I'm 55.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-30 at 4:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Owning property isn't income unless you rent it or sell it…you know that, and having good credit isn't income either…fucking boomers.
It would probably cost close to $2,000 a month to rent my home. That saves me over $20,000 a year. I never mentioned my well over 800 credit score, did I? -
2020-01-30 at 4:59 PM UTC
2020-01-30 at 4:59 PM UTCIf you're a young guy today, don't count on social security of the future.
People always be talking about putting money away, as if that money will hold good indefinitely. Whoops you have a million dollars, here's a genie in a lamp that'll wipe your ass when you can't anymore.
That money will be worthless as shit for your retirement, IF there's nobody to take care of you/pay taxes in the future. If there's 10 people to do the job of 100, they'll milk you for every penny you have in return for absolute shit service.
Our retirement fund is our children. The more children we have, the more people we'll have to take care of us when we're old. Either that or import more handsome and well tanned individuals to take care of us when we grow old and have a birth rate of one child per couple.
You don't need to use fancy economic models or anything. Just imagine what would've happened to a nomadic native tribe if you gave them condoms and birth control. -
2020-01-30 at 5 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's not how SSI works, His contributions paid for those who were retired when he paid in, his money is gone. It's not a savings scheme…it's always borrowing from the next generation…and one of the reasons it's doomed to fail (very soon).
Yeah no shit doesn’t change the fact that he paid X amount into social security when he worked, i.e. loaned money to the government, and now they are paying it back -
2020-01-30 at 5:01 PM UTCi barely live(exist on this earthly plane. i dwell nearer to pluto)why the fuck would i consider having a living?
2020-01-30 at 5:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Yeah no shit doesn’t change the fact that he paid X amount into social security when he worked (i.e. loaned it to the government) and now they are paying it back
SSI isn't a loan.
Insurance is like that...I've paid tens of thousands in vehicle insurance of the years and don't get anything back...same for health insurance to a degree, you make your contributions you don't get it back (unless you are ill).
Social and welfare programs can be changed at any time...relying on them for anything is retartedThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-01-30 at 5:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Our retirement fund is our children. The more children we have, the more people we'll have to take care of us when we're old. Either that or import more handsome and well tanned individuals to take care of us when we grow old and have a birth rate of one child per couple.
Just don’t have those kids in America you Canadian faggot. Keep them in your shithole country where they belong -
2020-01-30 at 5:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson SSI isn't a loan.
Insurance is like that…I've paid tens of thousands in vehicle insurance of the years and don't get anything back…same for health insurance to a degree, you make your contributions you don't get it back (unless you are ill).
Social and welfare programs can be changed at any time…relying on them for anything is retarted
Ok so it’s a loan that’s not federally insured. Cool story bro -
2020-01-30 at 5:04 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson SSI isn't a loan.
Insurance is like that…I've paid tens of thousands in vehicle insurance of the years and don't get anything back…same for health insurance to a degree, you make your contributions you don't get it back (unless you are ill).
Yep. Social security is just that, socialism. They don't even try to hide it.
For people who have occupations where the life expenctancy is shit, they ought to not have to pay pensions. Same goes for smokers. Average lifespan of a smoker doesn't see retirement age. Why the fuck force them to pay into it?
Because boomers are at a critical point and they're afraid there'll be no one willing to wipe their asses as they age. At least not for an affordable rate. Hence import handsome and well tanned individuals. -
2020-01-30 at 5:06 PM UTC
Originally posted by Splam Yep. Social security is just that, socialism. They don't even try to hide it.
For people who have occupations where the life expenctancy is shit, they ought to not have to pay pensions. Same goes for smokers. Average lifespan of a smoker doesn't see retirement age. Why the fuck force them to pay into it?
Because boomers are at a critical point and they're afraid there'll be no one willing to wipe their asses as they age. At least not for an affordable rate. Hence import handsome and well tanned individuals.
Again the situation of it now isn't necessarily reflective of the future...it can (and will) be changed...it's already changed a few times (The age is now what 67 for a man and soon to be 69 or something?).
A "promise" can be changed to a "sorry we've run out of money, you're fucked" at any time.
Again if you rely on others (re: the gov in this instance) for your retirement income you're an idiot. -
2020-01-30 at 5:08 PM UTCWhen I have an isolated farmhouse, I'll lure homeless people there and clean them up. Let them stay till they're fed well and healthy. I'll then murder them and harvest their organs for resale.
I won't harvest drug addicts' organs though due to the likelihood of them carrying various diseases. I will however torture them to death, and dispose of their bodies accordingly as a public service. -
2020-01-30 at 5:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again if you rely on others (re: the gov) for your retirement income you're an idiot.
Yes people don't realize this. Your money is worthless if there's nobody willing to work for you. The problem won't be lacking money, can always print more. Problem will be lack of people willing to wipe your ass.