2020-01-16 at 9:58 PM UTC
[the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
I find the short, stocky ones are the toughest. I've blasted shots left and right to the head of short, stocky guys for over five to ten minutes straight and they still won't go down. They get to the point where they don't have the energy to swing anymore, but they still won't go down.
2020-01-16 at 10:08 PM UTC
Last thing "How tall are you" rage man said was "If you don't have big tits, Get Out"
Women have requirements and so do men.
"..After she swallowed my children"
Have to remember that.
There are some funny fuckers in the bay area (or used to be.. it was said to be a comedy captital at once. but some of these pocketed East Coast accent fucks in Long Island and Boston are fucking hillarious.
we're losing our accents and women and men just need to love each other .. maybe have key parties like in the 1970s. you fuck who's keys you have. now dip your hand into the fucking bowl and have your way with her.
2020-01-16 at 10:11 PM UTC
PS I'm a male chauvinist only on Thursdays.
2020-01-16 at 10:14 PM UTC
I'm jk (just kidding)
See Hikki, That's how you do it.