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Help me improve my spambot.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So as some of you know Suicidal Fish recently got into a bit of trouble over at which, by the way is a website so cancerous it should not be allowed to exist. Which is why i am joining the effort to inflict some cyber terrorism upon them. I already did a quick crawling and fuzzing for vulns, but there were no obvious ones so i decided i'd make a spambot. Now bear in mind i never make bots and i'm also unfamiliar with the several web based modules python has, but that's ok, i read some documentation but sadly there are still a couple things that don't quite work as i'd like them to.

    [SIZE=48px][SIZE=28px]Post is depracated. Please use this post from this point[/SIZE][/SIZE]

    This part of the code works and does it's job swimmingly.

    import os
    import random

    from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
    from urlparse import urlparse

    import requests
    import mechanize
    import time

    # Mechanize browser for form input
    self = mechanize.Browser()
    self.addheaders = [("User-agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13")]

    def login(self):"")

    self.form = list(self.forms())[0]
    self["vb_login_username"] = "Space Negro"
    self["vb_login_password"] = "prettyflypassword"

    response = self.submit()

    print response

    So we got logging in covered, but to be a proper spambot you need to be able to spider or crawl for links, i decided to use the BeautifulSoup module for this because i needed some C and C++ things for scrapy to work so whatever.

    def spider():
    global links

    sitemap_xml = ""

    sitemap_response = requests.get(sitemap_xml)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_response.content)

    for links in soup.findAll('li'):
    for url in links.findAll('a', 'href'):
    for result in url.requests.get(url):
    if result:

    print links

    So this works kinda'. I can't just do soup.findAll("url") because it doesn't know how to do that apparantly. So i had my code look for 'li' tags because that's the kinda tag all the links are within but also some other things so i had to sort for "a href" as well to get the actual links, but when i print links i get maybe one or two back and i know there are more because when i print sitemap_response i see a shitload. Also i still don't know how to let it look for pages below the ones it stores.

    Also i needed a way to automatically go to a random page and post my intended message.

    def post(self):
    global links
    while True
    single_url = (random.choice(links))
    self.form = list(self.forms())[0]
    self["vbform"] = "You guys think you're computer experts? Check out [URL=""]this[/URL] forum."

    response = self.submit()

    print response

    def main():


    As it stands i am getting this error when the line that has single_url on it gets executed.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\", line 66, in <module>
    File "C:\", line 64, in main
    File "C:\", line 52, in post
    single_url = (random.choice(links))
    File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 275, in choice
    return seq[int(self.random() * len(seq))] # raises IndexError if seq is emp
    File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 613, in __getitem_
    return self._getAttrMap()[key]
    KeyError: 0

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.
  2. #2
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I would help but I don't know shit about Python. I did notice that that forum lets users post as much as they want with no flood limit.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I would help but I don't know shit about Python. I did notice that that forum lets users post as much as they want with no flood limit.

    This is going to be good when it works as it should then.
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have identified the problem to be one of iterating through a list. So when i store all <li> tags i need to iterate over every instance of li and from there enhancement on <a href> tags to find the actual links, then i need to parse the links store them to a variable from which i can select one url at random, or something similar.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok so i've tried it like this now.

    def spider():
    global links
    links = []
    # Get URLs from sitemap and spider
    sitemap_xml = ""

    sitemap_response = requests.get(sitemap_xml)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_response.content)

    # print soup

    tag = soup.findAll('li')

    for x in list(links):
    url = enhancement("<a href>", links)
    result = requests.get(url)

    print links

    So now i when i print links i get an empty value for it like so: [ ]
  6. #6
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You are a bad, bad man.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You are a bad, bad man.

    And you're useless. But fear not, i am useful for the both of us, for success is close, you probably won't know what i'm talking about but i've had an epiphany. First off i was using the wrong version of the BeautifulSoup module, which stores shit it finds in with the findAll() function as a Soup object which gives me a type error if i want to iterate over it since it's not a list object and if i put a Soup object inside a list object i still can't iterate over it because if i want search for a regular expression for example i can't since the only thing inside the list object is a Soup object not a string, secondly i highly underestimated the power of the Mechanize module, and here's the kicker, if i do this:

    self = mechanize.Browser()

    Python is essentially emulating a browser without a GUI, which has the ability to identify and parse links on it's own, so fuck making a list of URLs with BeautifulSoup if i can do it automatically with Mechanize. Like so."")

    depth_one = list(self.links())

    for link in depth_one:
    if "html" in link.url:
    depth_two = list(self.links())

    Well that was easy, kind of hard to tell if i got all the links though.
  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wew, nearly there.

    import os
    import random
    import requests
    import mechanize
    import time
    import re

    # Mechanize browser
    self = mechanize.Browser()
    self.addheaders = [("User-agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13")]

    def login(self):
    global depth_two

    print "[+]Logging in.""")

    self.form = list(self.forms())[0]
    self["vb_login_username"] = "Space Negro"
    self["vb_login_password"] = "prettyflypassword"

    response = self.submit()

    print "[+]Response."
    print response
    print "[+]Crawling for links.""")

    depth_one = list(self.links())

    for link in depth_one:
    if "html" in link.url:
    depth_two = list(self.links())

    print "[+]Done."

    def loop():

    def post(self):
    global depth_two

    while True:
    for link in depth_two:
    if not "sitemap" in link.url:
    single_url = (random.choice(link.url))

    response =
    print "[!]HTTP Error while trying to open page, trying new page..."

    forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False) #DEBUG
    print forms #DEBUG
    break #DEBUG

    # Error
    self.form = list(self.forms())[2] # List index out of range?
    self["message"] = "You guys think you're computer experts? Check out [URL=""]this[/URL] forum."

    final = self.submit()

    print "[+]Message posted succesfully"
    print final

    def main():


    Only problem left is selecting the proper form. See comments in last chunk of code for details.
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The irony is strong with this thread, if anything i've totally learned a shitload. i can feel my 1337ness expanding.
  10. #10
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I don't understand why you're crawling for links though... You can just change the number of the post in a URL and it'll redirect to that specific thread.


    ...change the "227779" to "227778"...

    ...and I am redirected to...

    ...change the "227778" to "227777"...

    ...and I am redirected to...

    Maybe we should start bumping a shitload of old threads at the same time. Starting in this range...

  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't understand why you're crawling for links though… You can just change the number of the post in a URL and it'll redirect to that specific thread.


    …change the "227779" to "227778"…

    …and I am redirected to…

    …change the "227778" to "227777"…

    …and I am redirected to…

    Maybe we should start bumping a shitload of old threads at the same time. Starting in this range…


    Yeah C niggas keep telling me 'bout this nifty string replace you got apparently i'm sure there's an equivalent in python, also, crawling all forum links literally takes two seconds since i'm using the sitemap just as a search engine would, only thing i have to do then is iterate over the links to enhancement them to the kind of link i need then i just pick a random link from that selection.

    Furthermore, i'm not changing my program nao you faygit, not after all the work i put into it getting list comprehension right unless i absolutely have to. I took a break btw, i still need to debug the last piece of code where it selects the proper form for posting.
  12. #12
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Just seems like a lot of work when we could just post a reply to a url that has an increasing integer within it.
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just seems like a lot of work when we could just post a reply to a url that has an increasing integer within it.

    You're right, redundancy is bad, besides i'm still failing and i know why, so perhaps i'll look into what you are proposing. I'll get back at you in a semi expedient manner.
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oy gevalt you goys!

    Debugged, tested and refractored. Works like a charm, and look at that fancy digit generator function. String replace was weird in python so i just made a function that takes amount and range as args and use it to generate a string of digits, randomly.

    import os
    import random
    import mechanize
    import time
    import string

    # Mechanize browser and set user agent
    br = mechanize.Browser()
    br.addheaders = [("User-agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13")]

    def login():
    print "[+]Logging in."

    # Open login page"")

    # Select first form(login form) and set values to the credentials -
    # of the account made in advance for spamming purposes
    br.form = list(br.forms())[0]
    br["vb_login_username"] = "username"
    br["vb_login_password"] = "prettyflypassword"

    # Submit values for username and password fields
    response = br.submit()

    print "\n[+]Response:"
    print response
    print "[+]Selecting random URL by page/thread ID"

    # Call function to start posting spamming

    # Function to generate a random string of digits to replace the original page/thread ID
    def digit_generator(size=5, chars=string.digits):
    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

    def post():
    while True:
    random_url = "" + digit_generator(5, "0987654321") + ".html"
    print "[+]Selected URL:"
    print random_url

    # Select 'vbform' which is the name of the quick reply form -
    # if not present we've either been banned or are otherwise -
    # unable to post in this thread
    print "\n[!]Could not find quick reply form. Unable to post on page"
    print "\n[+]Consider inspecting selected URL manually in your browser"

    choice = raw_input("Retry? Y/n")

    if "y" in choice:
    print "\nRetrying"
    elif "n" in choice:
    print "\nQuitting"
    print "\nUnhandled option, quitting"

    print "\nPosting message"

    # Message to spam
    br["message"] = "Spam goes here"

    # Set values for checkbox control where needed
    br[quickreply] = 1
    br[forcepost] = 1

    response = br.submit()

    print "\n[+]Response: "
    print response
    print "[+]Message was posted succesfully"

    # Handle CTRL+C
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "CTRL+C Caught, quitting"


    Ready when you are.
  15. #15
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    My body is ready. What do we do?
  16. #16
    Sharpie Houston
    What is this bot going to spam? Kek
  17. #17
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is this bot going to spam? Kek

    Whatever i tell it to.
  18. #18
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    [SIZE=72px]I said, MY BODY IS READY. WHAT DO WE DO??????[/SIZE]
  19. #19
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=72px]I said, MY BODY IS READY. WHAT DO WE DO??????[/SIZE]

    Get the python interpreter and the mechanize module and follow the instructions on my github.

    To spam for the lulz.
  20. #20
    Nice work, you seem to be getting pretty good with python.
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