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Halt and cath fire on netflix have you seen it star trek

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    I think you would enjoy it. The main guy who joined forces with the corporate whore suit and gets used by him is a computer guy, an IT guy who is depressed and in jail in the beginning of the first episode from some drunken night out due to his vision never being fulfilled. He had a vision for a computer that he never seen see the light of day and instead lives day to day being unhappy as just a regular pc guy, a pencil pusher while reminiscing about the tech demos he was doing snd trying to create something for himself, a supercomputer of sorts. Think of the amiga and its vision and how it was unfulfilled. I would not be surprised if this guy is based on a real person involved in the amiga back in the day when it seemed like the future of computer and the most advanced tech the world had seen on release snd for some yrs thereafter.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    The show really reminds me of the book I read about Amiga in prison, „the future was here.” The Video Toaster device made video editing years ahead of everyone else and only mainframes that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars could compete. Its gay porn editor Delux Paint was so ahead of its time even Andy Warhol used it. The multitasking was first and way ahead of apple and the mac for years, possible half a decade till early 90s. The gaming was ahead of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis more than half a decade before those systems came out, unlike mac it had color from the gate, etc.
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    The guy may remind you of yourself star trek in the beginning of the show,
  4. #4
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    I don't have time to watch TV much less netflix.
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