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Totse thread

  1. #1
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Only OG niggas who were on totse before the year 2006 may post in this thread

    What was your favorite aspect of the site
    What are your favorite memories
    Post anything

    I miss how many people were active and how it felt like a real community, I don't get that feeling anywhere anymore.
    It's very sad.
    The early 00s web was truly a magical time.
  2. #2
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Also being an 11 year old posting on a site that today would break every law in the book was euphoric.
    TOTSE was the ultimate expression or Americanism.
  3. #3
    larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    JIE wants to plant in his mother
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Vote Brown for President of the United States of America!
  5. #5
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Jeff Hunter quote

    "Why are you talking about Old days of Totse dialup. do you think this makes you cool? this doesn't make you cool"

    he didn't mind when others did so but he had it out for me. regarding the dialup.

    saying that he was going to let me Join the web version (because they killed my first account with the user name that i was kicked off of the dialup along with another user. and being the only 2 to ever been kicked off in it's 10-11 year existance"

    I was there for like 7 years. some really funny shit in the day.

    then I rejoined under a new user name and kept it the entire time. of about a year

    March 2001 came along and as stated before. a very detailed thread saying it was a group that was going to Highjack planes and specific targets was WTC buildings. and "Knock them down". oddly specific

    and the Pentagon as well as the Whitehouse and House of Congress

    and they got more and more detailed over the months. people joking. One of the things was "How will you take out the Pentagon with a plane. being a 747 style plane. if you fly it into the courtyard it will be really hard to hit the building. it was built to make it really hard to crash something into it.

    this is why it's strange to me they nailed the side so perfectly.

    Larry Silverstein was my ex-wife's Boss's Boss. East Coast flagship Hotel.

    She was emotional. they feared San Francisco and LA would be next. after an hour or two I went on Totse and was typing up a message to enigma and he popped in on his chat-box bot thing he would mess with people. if you were a user it's possible you remember as a new user it would test you to see how long it was a chat-bot. early form of AI programming is my guess.

    and he popped in and told me to not talk about it with anyone. it was a real stressful time and that if I didn't stop bugging him he would make sure I would not find work. verbatim it was more detailed.

    I laughed at him and typed "Oh.. You'll never work in this town again"

    guess who made an industry standard application acceptance software that most companies had used.

    the Company I'm told was called American-(something). I can't remember the exact name.

    This is Jeff aka enigma aka Taipan Enigma

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I still have a lot of Jeff Hunter's M&A posts I saved from when I was a Totse mod. This post was made two years before Totse closed. Apparently, Jeff was already thinking of closing.

  7. #7
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]

    do you has the totse album or something?
  8. #8
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I have a treasure trove of useful information saved.

  9. #9
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    James being hosed by a hacker

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    <FooDSt4mP> hi
    <warweed> Hello ?
    <FooDSt4mP> you should of changed your shit lol
    <FooDSt4mP> no offense... it was me in your mining stuff earlier nice to meet you
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt harm anything
    <warweed> Who is this ?
    <FooDSt4mP> a fan
    <FooDSt4mP> 2765,warweed,,fuckyoumike or syndicate 33376,warweed2,,fuckyoumike
    <FooDSt4mP> i would change all the pw's there and on warweed@hotmail just fyi
    <FooDSt4mP> nothing personal, im just a hacker man
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <warweed> Intresting
    <FooDSt4mP> you are a badass miner
    <warweed> 2765 what is that from ?
    <FooDSt4mP> i volunteer info for tips I can tell you some other stuff that would be worth your time
    <warweed> Tis a intresting list and yes I saw you try and change my wallet my script caught it within seconds
    <FooDSt4mP> yeah i could of jumped in your email and fixed it, but i figured nah whatever and just withdrew the 15 or so in the pool to your address
    <FooDSt4mP> i pulled 3k btc this week.. more than that last week
    <warweed> Fair nuff
    <warweed> Sqli slush ?
    <warweed> Im guessing judgeing the pwd's
    <FooDSt4mP> well no.. i got you a different way :-)
    <warweed> Indeed considering you don't have what was my current password in that list
    <FooDSt4mP> 148mit4U8dxFMfhrQ5Dp6MW2G7PyygpREz pop off a little donation I tell secrets then
    <warweed> What do you consider a donation ?
    <FooDSt4mP> its up to you... the better the donation... the more info i spill It will be far worth your time :-)
    <warweed> I see
    <FooDSt4mP> i will need to email you stuff as irc wont let me paste big shit.... i have your emails on file :-) lol
    <warweed> Can you understand my skeptisism ? In regards to this matter ?
    <warweed> And why are you choosing me and not the others ?
    <FooDSt4mP> skeptisism about what?
    <FooDSt4mP> 2046,yrral86,,2short2care
    <FooDSt4mP> he is another :-) btw I have the pw to EVEYBODY in slush's pool
    <warweed> Try this
    <warweed> Ali.zee
    <warweed> You have that and I can make a donantion
    <FooDSt4mP> i have all accounts on there
    <warweed> What information are you willing to provide for a donation
    <warweed> ?
    <warweed> The exploit itself or just a dump of the pool
    <FooDSt4mP> thats a secret, all i will say is it is more than WELL worth whatever you send
    <warweed> Well .. I can't just give btc for absolutly no info on what im purchasing
    <FooDSt4mP> that would be unethical to dump like that.. that would be big big big $... i will send you ALL mtgox pw's for 10 btc, or i can write you a custom wallet snagger .exe file for 5 btc
    <FooDSt4mP> you have mined thousands :-) I doubt you will notice... i have accts for any site you can name
    <warweed> I have all mtgox's passwords thanks .. What im curious to know is how you were in my slush account when it has a diffrent pwd then the slush acct.
    <FooDSt4mP> :-) Not sqli
    <warweed> That doesn't awnser me thou are you trying to give me mtgox db or slushs ?
    <FooDSt4mP> anyways, just wanted to say hello.. im glad your stuff is safe... i debated on deleting all your workers, but i didnt want to be a bitch so nothing was changed .. you would of been pissed off having to remake all of those hehe... you canleave your pw's as syndiciate for all your workers.. im not going to fuck with them
    <FooDSt4mP> slush's db will cost ya a bunch man... you could easily go in there and make a killing... i pulled over 500 btc just today from there
    <warweed> Honestly I have moved to a new worker account as you can see
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt notice.. i dont stalk:) out of thousands of accts i accessed though you were saved at the top of my list
    <FooDSt4mP> you are a vip
    <warweed> And why am I vip ? Because im in the top 20 ?
    <FooDSt4mP> yes
    <warweed> Tell you what keep a eye on ali.zee tis a rouge bussiness partner
    <warweed> He will be vip
    <warweed> About 16gh/s
    <FooDSt4mP> cool
    <warweed> Frankly my acct. Isn't worth it anymore doing about 1 btc a day on slush you could have deleted my workers but would have been pointless simply because I don't use them
    <warweed> We switched a large amount of our miners to our own colo'ed private pool
    <FooDSt4mP> is ali.zee in ny?
    <warweed> no
    <FooDSt4mP> ok
    <warweed> The mtgox db is already out there and free .. I dunno why anyone would provide that
    <warweed> And slushes pool db may be worth it but only depending on whats in the db
    <FooDSt4mP> i have all usernames, 80+ % of the passwords, acct history
    <warweed> Hurm can I ask somethign then ?
    <FooDSt4mP> sure
    <warweed> What password did you use to login to my acct. On slush ?
    <FooDSt4mP> i dont remember
    <FooDSt4mP> i noticed you changed it like 1 hr after i was on it
    <FooDSt4mP> about 10 hours ago
    <warweed> 4 min after you tried to change my wallet
    <FooDSt4mP> nice
    <warweed> Well I can make it worth your wild if you can tell me which password you used
    <warweed> Because it wasn't mtgox's fuckyoumike
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt save the pw
    <FooDSt4mP> let me look
    <FooDSt4mP> i may have it
    <FooDSt4mP> nah i already removed it
    <FooDSt4mP> )
    <warweed> Hurm to bad .. Tell you what you find out my current password then we may have bussiness to discuss
    <warweed> Otherwise there is no point
    <FooDSt4mP> ill have it within a few weeks
    <FooDSt4mP> running a cycle now already
    <FooDSt4mP> i have about 4k accts to bust on diff sites
    <warweed> Well you have my email and obviously know I have mined thousands message me when you do ;0
    <FooDSt4mP> i know you have
    <FooDSt4mP> i prob wont remember :_) im forgetful
    <FooDSt4mP> btw the ip im on is a wingate just so you know
    <FooDSt4mP> im on the same ip on irc as should of shown up in your history
    <FooDSt4mP> pretty sure they are the same one
    <FooDSt4mP> it its a 67.* ip that is a proxy
    <FooDSt4mP> i think i used this one
    <FooDSt4mP> im easy but super hard to find
    <warweed> I have no intrest in looking
    <FooDSt4mP> i have a few fake ass names and identities that people think are real around here :| its fun
    <FooDSt4mP> i hear ya
    <FooDSt4mP> well its been a pleasure man, good luck with the mining op.. keep kicking ass
    <warweed> Like I said contact me when you have my new one and I will be sure to make it worth you wild
    <FooDSt4mP> its no biggie I make enough btc hehe
    <FooDSt4mP> youwill know when I jump onit again hehehe
    <warweed> Oh I doubt that lol
    <FooDSt4mP> will be at least a week to three weeks prob
    <warweed> My script caught you before you did anything
    <FooDSt4mP> if you put a ; : , " and * in your password it makes it impossible for me (and everybody else) to get it btw
    <FooDSt4mP> so just do ;:,"* before or after your pw
    <FooDSt4mP> it will increase your security like crazy
    <warweed> meh
    <warweed> Obviously not
    <warweed> My password has special characters in it hence why I was a bit baffled on how you accessed it
    <FooDSt4mP> well almost impossible anyways
    <FooDSt4mP> it has to have ALL of those
    <warweed> Well if it's not sqli then im curious
    <FooDSt4mP> instead of mining btc you should use your gpu's to crack my password lists heh
    <FooDSt4mP> idont do sqli
    <FooDSt4mP> havent inyears
    <warweed> So then how did you get a db dump of all hashs ?
    <FooDSt4mP> i just exploit the httpd and cap files from it
    <FooDSt4mP> i got the sql db tables
    <FooDSt4mP> and users/pw's
    <FooDSt4mP> just gotta decrypt them all
    <FooDSt4mP> i can fuck apache on ANY box
    <FooDSt4mP> government backdoor
    <FooDSt4mP> <-- ex secret service
    <FooDSt4mP> any *nix machine I can get in it < 5 mins
    <warweed> Uh huh .. Well
    <warweed> Ok I tell you what
    <warweed> Echo "see"|wall
    <warweed> Do that in under 10 min
    <warweed> And I will give you 100 btc
    <FooDSt4mP> lol
    <warweed> From root
    <FooDSt4mP> how about i tell you the 'sploit?
    <warweed> Sure if you wish
    <FooDSt4mP> hrm
    <FooDSt4mP> ok lemme take a look real fast
    <FooDSt4mP> you are from Edmonton, AB?
    <FooDSt4mP> im moving to CA soon
    <FooDSt4mP> fuck the usa
    <warweed> Nope not me
    <warweed> Well I am
    <warweed> But if you just ran the whois on the domain tis not me
    <FooDSt4mP> nah just reversed the phonr
    <FooDSt4mP> phone
    <warweed> ah
    <FooDSt4mP> i could find you if i wanted to hehehe
    <warweed> Doubtful everything internet wise is psudu's same irl
    <warweed> So whats this 'sploit you speak of ?
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-mining #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <FooDSt4mP> jeremy
    <warweed> Not I
    <FooDSt4mP> ah
    <warweed> And it's actually Germey
    <FooDSt4mP> hrm
    <warweed> Geremy Broduer
    <FooDSt4mP> well you know him
    <warweed> indeed
    <FooDSt4mP> i can pull out some SS shit and find your ass quick hehehe
    <warweed> Sure if you want
    <warweed> Im curious thou
    <FooDSt4mP> oh yeah
    <FooDSt4mP> lol
    <FooDSt4mP> your youtube with bitcoin shit
    <warweed> How is ger linked to me ?
    <warweed> ah
    <warweed> meh
    <FooDSt4mP> i was gonna rape it but i left it hehehe
    <FooDSt4mP> Jeremy Eskiw (warweed)
    <FooDSt4mP> thats who i have
    <warweed> hurmmm
    <warweed> Why does that name ring a bell :S
    <warweed> I honestly don't remember useing that name personally but the name does ring a bell
    <FooDSt4mP> you are 5'11"?
    <FooDSt4mP> :-)
    <warweed> Nope 6'1
    <FooDSt4mP> jan 8th bday seems fake
    <FooDSt4mP> 1987
    <FooDSt4mP> you have some weight on you over 200 lbs
    <warweed> Hurm well the Jeremy Eskiw
    <warweed> Was from a flix account not me thou some clone
    <warweed> As per the 200lbs and the bday not sure were that came from
    <warweed> Thou with 10,200 results on google for me there is ALOOOOOOT of info to sift thru
    <warweed> Some of it me some of it wannabe's
    <FooDSt4mP> eek
    <FooDSt4mP> you got away with those charges
    <FooDSt4mP> lol
    <FooDSt4mP> i was explosives in the us military
    <FooDSt4mP> your name is james fowler isnt it
    <warweed> zoklet archives from totse
    <FooDSt4mP> and you like playing shit
    <FooDSt4mP> playing with shit
    <FooDSt4mP> like explosives
    <warweed> Playing with shit?
    <FooDSt4mP> and building halloween shit
    <warweed> Naw not for years
    <FooDSt4mP> i see
    <FooDSt4mP> oh and look a pic of you flipping off the cam
    <FooDSt4mP> hahahhaa
    <FooDSt4mP> nice
    <warweed> court reporter
    <FooDSt4mP> that's my new wallpaper
    <warweed> Cheers
    <warweed> Twas years ago
    <warweed> Curious were you found the article if you don't mind I lost my copy
    <warweed> ?
    <FooDSt4mP> ah i closed it
    <FooDSt4mP> i got it though
    <FooDSt4mP> :-)
    <FooDSt4mP> i work for tips hahahahahahahahahaha
    <warweed> meh
    <FooDSt4mP> do you know darren
    <FooDSt4mP> hahaha
    <FooDSt4mP> L-)
    <warweed> Darren ?
    <FooDSt4mP> come on hook up a tip 148mit4U8dxFMfhrQ5Dp6MW2G7PyygpREz for the fun convo :-)
    <FooDSt4mP> all my hacked earnings i dont touch... its a long story
    <warweed> Hurm nope I don't know a darren and thats a shitty photo shop :S
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt make it
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-mining #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-mining #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-mining #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <FooDSt4mP> so
    <warweed> No offence thou you haven't given me anything that isn't easily findable on google
    <FooDSt4mP> what is the backdoor worth to you?
    <FooDSt4mP> works on any *nix box running apache
    <FooDSt4mP> i have others for sendmail, ftp, telnet, etc
    <FooDSt4mP> apache is the easiest and quickest
    <FooDSt4mP> its a us government rapid response compliance hole
    <warweed> Depends on what the apache back door does
    <FooDSt4mP> it roots a server
    <FooDSt4mP> lol
    <FooDSt4mP> any server
    <warweed> Tell you what
    <FooDSt4mP> works on over 99% of boxen
    <warweed> You root the server and echo what I said im sitting on it now
    <warweed> And I know it works ..
    <warweed> I will send a sizable donation
    <FooDSt4mP> hrm
    <FooDSt4mP> ok let me smoke and stuff.. ill hit it in a few
    RAW Paste Data
    <FooDSt4mP> hi
    <warweed> Hello ?
    <FooDSt4mP> you should of changed your shit lol
    <FooDSt4mP> no offense... it was me in your mining stuff earlier nice to meet you
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt harm anything
    <warweed> Who is this ?
    <FooDSt4mP> a fan
    <FooDSt4mP> 2765,warweed,,fuckyoumike or syndicate 33376,warweed2,,fuckyoumike
    <FooDSt4mP> i would change all the pw's there and on warweed@hotmail just fyi
    <FooDSt4mP> nothing personal, im just a hacker man
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <warweed> Intresting
    <FooDSt4mP> you are a badass miner
    <warweed> 2765 what is that from ?
    <FooDSt4mP> i volunteer info for tips I can tell you some other stuff that would be worth your time
    <warweed> Tis a intresting list and yes I saw you try and change my wallet my script caught it within seconds
    <FooDSt4mP> yeah i could of jumped in your email and fixed it, but i figured nah whatever and just withdrew the 15 or so in the pool to your address
    <FooDSt4mP> i pulled 3k btc this week.. more than that last week
    <warweed> Fair nuff
    <warweed> Sqli slush ?
    <warweed> Im guessing judgeing the pwd's
    <FooDSt4mP> well no.. i got you a different way :-)
    <warweed> Indeed considering you don't have what was my current password in that list
    <FooDSt4mP> 148mit4U8dxFMfhrQ5Dp6MW2G7PyygpREz pop off a little donation I tell secrets then
    <warweed> What do you consider a donation ?
    <FooDSt4mP> its up to you... the better the donation... the more info i spill It will be far worth your time :-)
    <warweed> I see
    <FooDSt4mP> i will need to email you stuff as irc wont let me paste big shit.... i have your emails on file :-) lol
    <warweed> Can you understand my skeptisism ? In regards to this matter ?
    <warweed> And why are you choosing me and not the others ?
    <FooDSt4mP> skeptisism about what?
    <FooDSt4mP> 2046,yrral86,,2short2care
    <FooDSt4mP> he is another :-) btw I have the pw to EVEYBODY in slush's pool
    <warweed> Try this
    <warweed> Ali.zee
    <warweed> You have that and I can make a donantion
    <FooDSt4mP> i have all accounts on there
    <warweed> What information are you willing to provide for a donation
    <warweed> ?
    <warweed> The exploit itself or just a dump of the pool
    <FooDSt4mP> thats a secret, all i will say is it is more than WELL worth whatever you send
    <warweed> Well .. I can't just give btc for absolutly no info on what im purchasing
    <FooDSt4mP> that would be unethical to dump like that.. that would be big big big $... i will send you ALL mtgox pw's for 10 btc, or i can write you a custom wallet snagger .exe file for 5 btc
    <FooDSt4mP> you have mined thousands :-) I doubt you will notice... i have accts for any site you can name
    <warweed> I have all mtgox's passwords thanks .. What im curious to know is how you were in my slush account when it has a diffrent pwd then the slush acct.
    <FooDSt4mP> :-) Not sqli
    <warweed> That doesn't awnser me thou are you trying to give me mtgox db or slushs ?
    <FooDSt4mP> anyways, just wanted to say hello.. im glad your stuff is safe... i debated on deleting all your workers, but i didnt want to be a bitch so nothing was changed .. you would of been pissed off having to remake all of those hehe... you canleave your pw's as syndiciate for all your workers.. im not going to fuck with them
    <FooDSt4mP> slush's db will cost ya a bunch man... you could easily go in there and make a killing... i pulled over 500 btc just today from there
    <warweed> Honestly I have moved to a new worker account as you can see
    FooDSt4mP is 48b5ee92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. * -
    FooDSt4mP is on #bitcoin-otc
    FooDSt4mP using Corvallis, OR, USA
    FooDSt4mP End of /WHOIS list.
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt notice.. i dont stalk:) out of thousands of accts i accessed though you were saved at the top of my list
    <FooDSt4mP> you are a vip
    <warweed> And why am I vip ? Because im in the top 20 ?
    <FooDSt4mP> yes
    <warweed> Tell you what keep a eye on ali.zee tis a rouge bussiness partner
    <warweed> He will be vip
    <warweed> About 16gh/s
    <FooDSt4mP> cool
    <warweed> Frankly my acct. Isn't worth it anymore doing about 1 btc a day on slush you could have deleted my workers but would have been pointless simply because I don't use them
    <warweed> We switched a large amount of our miners to our own colo'ed private pool
    <FooDSt4mP> is ali.zee in ny?
    <warweed> no
    <FooDSt4mP> ok
    <warweed> The mtgox db is already out there and free .. I dunno why anyone would provide that
    <warweed> And slushes pool db may be worth it but only depending on whats in the db
    <FooDSt4mP> i have all usernames, 80+ % of the passwords, acct history
    <warweed> Hurm can I ask somethign then ?
    <FooDSt4mP> sure
    <warweed> What password did you use to login to my acct. On slush ?
    <FooDSt4mP> i dont remember
    <FooDSt4mP> i noticed you changed it like 1 hr after i was on it
    <FooDSt4mP> about 10 hours ago
    <warweed> 4 min after you tried to change my wallet
    <FooDSt4mP> nice
    <warweed> Well I can make it worth your wild if you can tell me which password you used
    <warweed> Because it wasn't mtgox's fuckyoumike
    <FooDSt4mP> i didnt save the pw
    <FooDSt4mP> let me look
    <FooDSt4mP> i may have it
  10. #10
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    sourse to read more

    Curious if fuckyoumike was Mike D. from totes and henry
  11. #11
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Like I said before.. Brand or people's names of the same are layered in a shell game.

    Ca'fe Italiano ,in Walnut Creek where Jeff had 2600 gathering night on North main is now called , Silk Road
  12. #12
    1993 Houston
    OP has no friends and severe autism and should suicide
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    how to make a meth in the kichen of your mom - written by jeff hunter who did 911
  14. #14
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman];u=4127;sa=showPosts
  15. #15
    Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood how to make a meth in the kichen of your mom - written by jeff hunter who did 911

    shut your fgt mouth you ugly Canadian stickman
  16. #16
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I bet warweed ran the nopebeer onion site
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