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Who Are The Globalists?
2015-07-30 at 6:41 PM UTC[FONT=Geneva][FONT=Geneva]Simply put, the globalist movement is an alliance based on self-interest of the private international financiers and the royal, dynastic and hereditary land owning families of Britain, Europe and America which over the years have intermarried to create a self regenerating power structure that through lies and deception seeks to control everything and everyone on earth. Through their control of the ability to create money, they are able to exercise control over all the power centers of society including the corporations, the media, culture creation, the educational system, the historical societies, the political system, the military, religion, foundations and other NGOs, medicine, and law. Over time they have extended their network of control to include elites from countries all over the world working towards the same end.[/FONT][/FONT] [LEFT]
[FONT=Geneva]The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order". Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][FONT=Geneva]In the modern manifestation these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, the military industrial complex and their servants - the corporate CEOs, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGO's, politicians, and media leaders - all of whom the elite control partially or completely. Sad but true - you can buy or brainwash most national bankers, soldiers, beaurocrats, CEOs, scientists, lawyers, NGOs, politicians and journalists to say what you want them to say.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][FONT=Geneva]If you allow their plans to proceed, you will see how under the guise of keeping us all safe with anti-terrorist laws, the globalists will see all citizens gradually and incrementally lose their civil liberties preventing any dissent against either the government or the ruling elite who give the government their orders. The purpose of this website is to first provide a concise base of knowledge explaining the historical origins and mechanisms of the "one-world government" plan, and second, to provide avenues of resistance and methodologies for survival within the Chaos purposely imposed within this plot to enslave all of humanity.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[FONT=Geneva][SIZE=24px][FONT=Geneva]Key Tactics:[/FONT][/SIZE]
False Flag Operations / Government Sponsored Terror[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]As exposed in films like Terror Storm, the majority of terrorism is in fact sponsored by governments in order to stampede their populations through fear towards a predetermined agenda. A key element of government sponsored terror is false flag operations where governments attack themselves and blame the attack on an enemy in order to stampede the population into war or social change that serves the agenda of the global elite. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the London Bombings on 7/7/2005 are a couple of the most recent false flag operations.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Agent Provocateurs[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Governments throughout history have a habit of hiring agent provocateurs in order to discredit legitimate protest. One example is where the US government hired the Black Bloc to destroy property at the Seattle 1999 WTO meeting protests. Another example is how the Quebec Provincial Police posed as anarchists intent on throwing rocks on the protesters at the 2007 SPP protest in Montebello, Quebec but were caught by protesters and ultimately admitted to by the Quebec police. No links provided - easy to look up for yourself - do it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Incrementalism (i.e. Gradualism)[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Incrementalism is a process whereby society is slowly engineered and our rights and freedoms are slowly eroded over time so that we don't notice it's happening and are led to believe change is necessary on only one item and this change is not related to other changes. In the short term the changes are almost imperceptible, but are nevertheless part of a long term campaign to gain control of us all. It is thus a strategy of coercion. This can be observed in every method of control listed and most visibly in education, religion and culture.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Hegelian Dialectics (i.e. Problem/Reaction/Solution)[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Shock / War[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Used under circumstances when the public would otherwise object, shock events are used to overcome major hurdles. False flag events such as the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are examples of shock events in action. Such events usually result in wars which are then used to make fundamental transformative changes to society.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Simply put they lie and lie some more. The real intents and objectives are hidden from the public and shrouded in secrecy.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Bread and Circuses[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]As the Roman elite recognized, in order to create a compliant population, it is important to keep them fat (bread) and happy/distracted (circuses) with copious entertainment so they don't do too much thinking. To this end, the television is the greatest method of distraction and mental manipulation ever created.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Dumbing Down of the Population[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]A well informed and educated population is the last thing they want as they prepare to bring the people through the greatest period of change in human history. To accomplish this they have systematically reduced the quality of education and have chemically reduced the IQ of the population by adding fluoride to the water and mercury to the vaccines.
SOURCE: http://www.globalistagenda.org/[/FONT] -
2015-08-04 at 7:25 PM UTCThis doesnt actually explain who they are. Give me a list of names or I call bullshit.
2015-08-05 at 12:27 PM UTC
2015-08-05 at 12:40 PM UTC
Follow the money, you'll get the names…
Cute pictures there slugger. Would you like me to put them on the fridge while you go outside and play? Here's an idea. Why don't you write something that demonstrates your knowledge of who these folks are and if it's good enough maybe I'll put a gold star on it for you. -
2015-08-05 at 12:44 PM UTCInb4iwroteop http://www.globalistagenda.org Copypasta
2015-08-05 at 4:12 PM UTCHoly shit! After I put TheDarkRodent and Psycho on ignore, 99% of the worthless garbage posts on the forum disappeared! Looks a lot better!
2015-08-05 at 5:03 PM UTC
Holy shit! After I put TheDarkRodent and Psycho on ignore, 99% of the worthless garbage posts on the forum disappeared! Looks a lot better!
Pretending to stick your head in the sand does not change the fact that in an attempt to pose as a "valuable contributor" you resorted to copypasta like a talking head. -
2015-08-05 at 10:36 PM UTCThe Globalists are jedis and a few select gentile elites that have sold out the White race and have acquiesced to the jedis' agenda of eliminating the White race by way of multicultural diversification of White countries and encouraging race-mixing, homosexuality, feminism and other protocols that serve to decrease the White population.
They meet at Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg conferences. -
2015-08-10 at 2:40 AM UTCRaytheon and Lockheed Martin have contributed to my general misery in ways I choose not to disclose.
2015-09-12 at 2:52 AM UTC
The Globalists are jedis and a few select gentile elites that have sold out the White race and have acquiesced to the jedis' agenda of eliminating the White race by way of multicultural diversification of White countries and encouraging race-mixing, homosexuality, feminism and other protocols that serve to decrease the White population.
They meet at Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg conferences.
I think Nixon called Bohemian Grove 'the faggiest thing [he'd] ever seen.'
And then he was deposed by the CIA.
2015-09-12 at 4:39 AM UTC
Copy Pasta blah blah blah…
Have ever had an original coherent presentation of a thought, idea, or God forbid logical arrangement of ideas all of your very own? Or have you simply sat in front of a keyboard/classic late 80's Pearl drumset for the last 25 years repeating what you've read while you fantasize about being John Bonham or Keith Moon? -
2015-09-12 at 5 AM UTC
while you fantasize about being John Bonham or Keith Moon?
Or even Karen Carpenter -
2015-09-12 at 5:07 AM UTC
Or even Karen Carpenter
7/10 would read again. -
2024-07-11 at 6:49 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL [FONT=Geneva][FONT=Geneva]Simply put, the globalist movement is an alliance based on self-interest of the private international financiers and the royal, dynastic and hereditary land owning families of Britain, Europe and America which over the years have intermarried to create a self regenerating power structure that through lies and deception seeks to control everything and everyone on earth. Through their control of the ability to create money, they are able to exercise control over all the power centers of society including the corporations, the media, culture creation, the educational system, the historical societies, the political system, the military, religion, foundations and other NGOs, medicine, and law. Over time they have extended their network of control to include elites from countries all over the world working towards the same end.[/FONT][/FONT] [LEFT]
[FONT=Geneva]The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order". Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][FONT=Geneva]In the modern manifestation these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, the military industrial complex and their servants - the corporate CEOs, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGO's, politicians, and media leaders - all of whom the elite control partially or completely. Sad but true - you can buy or brainwash most national bankers, soldiers, beaurocrats, CEOs, scientists, lawyers, NGOs, politicians and journalists to say what you want them to say.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][FONT=Geneva]If you allow their plans to proceed, you will see how under the guise of keeping us all safe with anti-terrorist laws, the globalists will see all citizens gradually and incrementally lose their civil liberties preventing any dissent against either the government or the ruling elite who give the government their orders. The purpose of this website is to first provide a concise base of knowledge explaining the historical origins and mechanisms of the "one-world government" plan, and second, to provide avenues of resistance and methodologies for survival within the Chaos purposely imposed within this plot to enslave all of humanity.[/FONT][/LEFT]
[FONT=Geneva][SIZE=24px][FONT=Geneva]Key Tactics:[/FONT][/SIZE]
False Flag Operations / Government Sponsored Terror[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]As exposed in films like Terror Storm, the majority of terrorism is in fact sponsored by governments in order to stampede their populations through fear towards a predetermined agenda. A key element of government sponsored terror is false flag operations where governments attack themselves and blame the attack on an enemy in order to stampede the population into war or social change that serves the agenda of the global elite. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the London Bombings on 7/7/2005 are a couple of the most recent false flag operations.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Agent Provocateurs[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Governments throughout history have a habit of hiring agent provocateurs in order to discredit legitimate protest. One example is where the US government hired the Black Bloc to destroy property at the Seattle 1999 WTO meeting protests. Another example is how the Quebec Provincial Police posed as anarchists intent on throwing rocks on the protesters at the 2007 SPP protest in Montebello, Quebec but were caught by protesters and ultimately admitted to by the Quebec police. No links provided - easy to look up for yourself - do it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Incrementalism (i.e. Gradualism)[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Incrementalism is a process whereby society is slowly engineered and our rights and freedoms are slowly eroded over time so that we don't notice it's happening and are led to believe change is necessary on only one item and this change is not related to other changes. In the short term the changes are almost imperceptible, but are nevertheless part of a long term campaign to gain control of us all. It is thus a strategy of coercion. This can be observed in every method of control listed and most visibly in education, religion and culture.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Hegelian Dialectics (i.e. Problem/Reaction/Solution)[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Shock / War[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Used under circumstances when the public would otherwise object, shock events are used to overcome major hurdles. False flag events such as the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are examples of shock events in action. Such events usually result in wars which are then used to make fundamental transformative changes to society.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Simply put they lie and lie some more. The real intents and objectives are hidden from the public and shrouded in secrecy.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Bread and Circuses[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]As the Roman elite recognized, in order to create a compliant population, it is important to keep them fat (bread) and happy/distracted (circuses) with copious entertainment so they don't do too much thinking. To this end, the television is the greatest method of distraction and mental manipulation ever created.[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]Dumbing Down of the Population[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva]A well informed and educated population is the last thing they want as they prepare to bring the people through the greatest period of change in human history. To accomplish this they have systematically reduced the quality of education and have chemically reduced the IQ of the population by adding fluoride to the water and mercury to the vaccines.
SOURCE: http://www.globalistagenda.org/[/FONT]
hmm -
2024-07-11 at 6:50 AM UTC1 year to go and acordding to this post, NiS will be 10 years and celebrate its first decade