Do you ever find yourself being repulsed by women for long periods and then turn around and find them really attractive again and fap furiously all day? now if I go there and see all the naked bodies I just cringe and almost gag
3D women disgust me, 2D never does this for some reason.
Maybe it's just that 3D women are ugly in general but sometimes I do find them really attractive, like alice18 aka missalice and of course Japanese women are always attractive .... but even them right now if I see a 3D JP shoujo sucking cock it grosses me out so much.
And men are always ugly, even the most attractive men in the world such as Trent Reznor don't do anything for me (though tbh I don't find men attractive at all, I'm only into feminine anime men).
Sex is disgusting
but in a week or month I will probably be back to fapping three times a day\