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Some more of my art for you

  1. #61
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    This was all illustrator:

  2. #62
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Lone star is good. I often get an aftertaste of red roses when I drink it.

    I don't have a favorite beer but I'd like to get some guinness "foreign extra" some day. It has a high alcohol content and is supposed to be really smooth. The high alcohol content is necessary because they'd often ship it to exotic locations in africa and asia and the alcohol helped preserve it on the journey.

    Everyone confuses it with "extra stout" when I ask about it. They never import it here for some reason. It's annoying.

    Guinness draught* is popular but it's crap and mostly marketed to hipster kids that can't drink real beer. It tastes like a watered down stale whiskey and coke.

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