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My hilarious dream about doing cocaine in the bathroom.

  1. #1
    Okay so in this dream I'm wearing a fancy tuxedo at a high class party and the bathroom is packed full of people. I'm sitting in a stall and from the right, a pill bottle full of cocaine rolls under into my stall. I kept trying to snort it but you now how physics goes in dreamland so I was spilling it all over and making a mess. Eventually I just leaned my head back and tilted the bottle toward my nose while tapping on it softly to make a steady stream of cocaine fall into my nose as I sniffed with all my might.

    Then some guy sticks his arm under the stall into mine and he has an empty pill bottle and he is waving it back and forth like "fill me up" so I do but I accidently pour waaay too much into his, like more than half and I can hear him say "OH SHIT!" and I'm like "Hey buddy I poured too much gimme back like half" and he actually did pour some of it back into my bottle.

    Then I sniffed it all in a few minutes, stood up and thought "I should be higher than this" and was considering the possibility it was cut but then I woke up

    I don't even do coke what the fuck dreams.

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