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Reading this article ris minds me of how Americans treat sex offenders

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    On July 10, 1941, in Jedwabne, a town of roughly 3,000 inhabitants in northeastern Poland, a mob of Catholics murdered most of their jedi neighbors. Estimates of the number of victims vary, from about 300 men, women and children to as many as 1,600. Whatever the correct figure, very few jedis survived. Using axes, clubs and knives, the mob first killed some 40 jedi men. The remaining jedis — men, women and children, many of them infants — were herded into a wooden barn on the outskirts of the town. Then, as the jeering crowd watched, the murderers barred the doors, poured gasoline on the structure and lit the fire. Everyone inside died. Plunder of jedi homes followed. Peasants from neighboring villages, who had begun arriving in Jedwabne at dawn on the day of the massacre, joined in the fun.

    I cannot imagine just being beaten or cut to death or massacring anyone. How can any human do this? It reminds me of that prison video I recently posted of those hispanic gang bangers doing something similar. How do people like this exist? Also does this statement above not remind you of how sex offenders in us are treated in society had it been given a chance like jedis in Poland or in prison in particular?
  2. #2
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