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I'm on fucking speed right now and I don't give A FUCK.
2016-10-14 at 12:43 PM UTCFUCK YOU, you fucking stupid cunts. You're fat and fucking ugly, you think I wanna fuck you?
You fuckin stupid cunts. You're fucking dusgistng. That';s why I left the fucking club you fucking awful degenerate fucks.
I am way better than you, You are fucking nothing. One day I will be fucking rich and fucking famous and you will fucking WISH you tried more with me, you fucking losers.
I fucking hate you. You fucking cunts. Your'e lucky I'm not a fucking serial killer because you'd be fucking dead right now you fucking whores.
I am so fucking superior to you awful fucking bitches.
I don't fucking need you.
Fuck you. -
2016-10-14 at 12:49 PM UTCYou sound like the next Elliot Rodger
2016-10-14 at 12:54 PM UTC
You sound like the next Elliot Rodger
No fucking way, I'm way cooler than that fucking son of a bitch. For one thing I've had sex before.
I just fuckign hate these stupid fucking stuck up club sluts. Fucking bitches. I literally am better than teh fucking losers they're fucking. -
2016-10-14 at 1:04 PM UTCFucking cunts. I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-14 at 1:14 PM UTChow come nobody likes me? :'(
2016-10-14 at 1:19 PM UTCTHIS is the Enter I like!. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah nigga chop another rock. Don't forget to cut your lines into triangles niggaaaaaa. also pics. Fuck the universe, SMOKE SPEED ERRY DAY 666. FUCK ALL HUMANS EXCEPT SPACE NIGERIANS. GET ON TC TONIGHT NIGGAAAAAAA ITS GONNA BE A GOOD ONE
2016-10-14 at 1:23 PM UTC
THIS is the Enter I like!. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah nigga chop another rock. Don't forget to cut your lines into triangles niggaaaaaa. also pics. Fuck the universe, SMOKE SPEED ERRY DAY 666. FUCK ALL HUMANS EXCEPT SPACE NIGERIANS. GET ON TC TONIGHT NIGGAAAAAAA ITS GONNA BE A GOOD ONE
2016-10-14 at 1:25 PM UTCkek my boogers are fucking crusty as fuck, probably covered in fuckin speed crystals
2016-10-14 at 1:30 PM UTCi think the fucking booger speed is kicking in....
2016-10-14 at 1:43 PM UTCHaha I hate having runny nose allergies when you are trying to snort valuable drugs like speed or heroin. I was sick when I did H and I would spend like 10 minutes cleaning/drying out my nose and snorting it perfectly so I wasn't swallowing it letting it hit my gut and turn into morphine.. dat slow nasal dissolve aawweeeehhhhaaeyeaaaaahhhhh. CUT ME A TRIANGLE LINE YOU NIGGER.
Zod bless you Enter, THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING!!! do drugs and fuck bitches and niggrers!!! you da man!!! make us proud !!!!
2016-10-14 at 1:46 PM UTCJust mssged my best mate. Tomorrow we are going out to drive by insult people. Throwing shit at people and yelling at them, Gonna be fun as fuck.
2016-10-14 at 2:26 PM UTCWASSUP? Anyone wanna chat?
2016-10-14 at 4:05 PM UTCMan the nuggets you get out of your nose after a sesh are pure gold. And so so satisfying to dig out
2016-10-14 at 4:49 PM UTCwell that was fun
2016-10-14 at 5:13 PM UTCMan I miss living with the mates I used to live with cos every time they got a new batch of MDMA or mcat or speed or whatever they'd give me a sample to test out and check for quality. Those were good days
2016-10-14 at 5:21 PM UTChow old r u now?
i just wanna stay fucked up forever. just get into lots of fucked up adventures and have heaps of fun and shit. live fast die young etc. -
2016-10-14 at 5:40 PM UTC
Just mssged my best mate. Tomorrow we are going out to drive by insult people. Throwing shit at people and yelling at them, Gonna be fun as fuck.
This is such a timeless classic. Yelling at strangers is always a TREAT. I'm reminded of a time my buddy and I got shit-canned and drive around a local college campus looking for a stranger to deck in the face. After a short while we saw this nerdy looking guy standing in front of a building and I knew he was the one. My bud pulls over and I briskly approach him saying 'I KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID!' He of course exclaimed he didnt know me or what I was talking about to which I sort of turned away and then turned back and fuckin clocked him in the side of the head. He didn't fight back and I just left, laughing all the while.
Turns out he was a law student and got my buddy's license plate. I later met with detectives and was charged with simple assault. 3 days in jail. Worth it! Haha. -
2016-10-14 at 5:52 PM UTC
how old r u now?
i just wanna stay fucked up forever. just get into lots of fucked up adventures and have heaps of fun and shit. live fast die young etc.
Too old lad. 25, it was a fucked up place to live, just smackheads and me and my 2 mates. We sold a pill to one of them and he prepped it for IVing and the liquid was bright green. Looked like it was good tho cos he came out the bathroom and was rushing and sweating profusely -
2016-10-14 at 6:51 PM UTC
This is such a timeless classic. Yelling at strangers is always a TREAT. I'm reminded of a time my buddy and I got shit-canned and drive around a local college campus looking for a stranger to deck in the face. After a short while we saw this nerdy looking guy standing in front of a building and I knew he was the one. My bud pulls over and I briskly approach him saying 'I KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING DID!' He of course exclaimed he didnt know me or what I was talking about to which I sort of turned away and then turned back and fuckin clocked him in the side of the head. He didn't fight back and I just left, laughing all the while.
Turns out he was a law student and got my buddy's license plate. I later met with detectives and was charged with simple assault. 3 days in jail. Worth it! Haha.
lol this is a good story
Anyway, ENTER your OP is just an angry rant in the style of eliot roger. It doesnt matter if you have had sex you are still pathetic and going to die afraid and alone.