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I hate women. Hate.

  1. #21
    What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    And then there's Ronaldo scron, lover of butts, womanizer, space sex extrordinaire. Seducer of females. I transcend all age, race, body type. I've made women fall in love with me from every continent on earth. Yet I am aloof and mysterious. And I can fuck like a champ and love like a god.
    pics to confirm handsomeness.
  2. #22
    What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Fucking whores, always getting attention from guys. I never got any attention growing up. Why do you deserve more than me? All you do is own vaginas, that's it. You don't deserve anything special, you cunts.

    The best thing I ever did recently was when I cancelled that date with that girl who actually liked me, and she raged and felt humiliated when I bailed. That was so fucking good. Can you imagine if I took that a step further with another girl? Like, cancelled mid way through the date instead? Just been like "yeah this is shit so I'm going to get going now". Hahahahah omfg that would be awesome! XD

    Fuck I'm gonna do that. I'm actually getting excited as fuck just thinking about it.
    is this slag?
  3. #23
    is this slag?

    It's Blunderful.
  4. #24
    pics to confirm handsomeness.

    p4p darling.
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