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Imagine if we could take drugs without consequences

  1. #61
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Octavian Cause he's a fucking nonce.

    is he a fucking bacon, is he oct?

  2. #62
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist is he a fucking bacon, is he oct?


    Needs stabbing that's for sure.
  3. #63
    iam_asiam68 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Octavian No come downs, no brain damage, no addictions, no prohibition.

    imagine finding the nearest tallest building located by you. then locate the elevator and take it to the top floor. immediately go to the first window and break it. climb out onto the ledge. close your eyes. and the do the world a favor and JUMP!!
  4. #64
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Octavian Needs stabbing that's for sure.

    yeah wet the cunt up mate

  5. #65
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Octavian No come downs, no brain damage, no addictions, no prohibition.

    Ok I'm imagining it. Now what?
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