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SG Nazi-Killing- Film Suggestion

  1. #21
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by toz It's pretty good bedrock I bet. It's a former Sea floor. pretty solid. Good granet material too for agragot. for both "Nations".

    Both nations? Why isn't Israel a democracy, with majority rule? Just like South Africa?

    And jedis don't want granite, they spend most of their time complaining that God led them to the one place in the middle east without any oil.
  2. #22
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Both nations? Why isn't Israel a democracy, with majority rule? Just like South Africa?

    And jedis don't want granite, they spend most of their time complaining that God led them to the one place in the middle east without any oil.

    No doubt there is shale rock with oil and natural gas down there. Maybe they're saving it as reserves.

    Plus.. Massive Solar Farm. It's right on the equator pretty much.. Sun year round. It's the LA of the Asia Minor.

    I'm suggesting a new move for Pyramid Micro Cities. The Pyramid doesn't just belong to Illum-inati or Trianglist.. it's one of the most sacred shapes of all beings.

    also it's used in joist and trusses and cantilever designs I believe.

    The Pyramid just keeps on standing.. would either take a serious act of the Lord or a shitload of Moabs to take one out or a serious nuke.. and even then it's probably the most stable way of deflecting one out of all other shapes. the wind would go right over the apex

    Also the problem and rectangular issues of NYC and other major Cities is that they are blocking out sunlight. they create a giant wall seagment between all the structures. It's beautiful but the shadows are just too much. lining up Pyramid structures would allow sections of total sunlight throughout the day.

    I'm telling everyone now. resolve the problem in the State of Israel and Palestine with the movement of Pyramid designs and Micro Cities with transportation ports between to move people around and to work and live and play in the same area. these things will tucker people out without needing much ground. they need air space and there is 100 miles up of it.
  3. #23
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Would you not do the same or much worse if you were in their situation?

    Not innocents. Government reps who were there in support could have easily sufficed.
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