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Your opinion on the Jeffrey Epstein situation?

  1. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by JΟ…icebox I knew it was illegal at the time but didn't realise how serious it was

    Who taught you it was illegal? I don't understand why nobody told me and I'm pretty sure I only learned by googling 'why cant i find naked 13 year olds online" or some shit.
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    What the child molesting crooks in law enforcement do is they first give immunity to everyone involved to get them off, under the pretext of "getting cooperating witnesses", then once they've insulated and protected all the peripheral fellow child molesters, they set to work getting the principle perp off, which doesn't take all that long after they've eliminated the witnesses and conspirators out of the picture. Same thing will happen here.
  3. Originally posted by GGG Who taught you it was illegal? I don't understand why nobody told me and I'm pretty sure I only learned by googling 'why cant i find naked 13 year olds online" or some shit.

    I'm not sure. I may have found out the same way lol
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Wariat Now you are a male again? And fuk what they say or think ha,f of it is horseshit snd theyre no victim anyway. There is no male patriarchy or toxic masculinity wnd sny other propaganda you probably buy into.

    Wait.. GGG used to be a female??
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG With shit the JP Morgan plane having like a billion dollars of drugs recently, the world just seems massively, unfixably corrupt.

    lol, I remember you telling me to stop being so pessimistic when I said that
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by aldra lol, I remember you telling me to stop being so pessimistic when I said that

    I give very good advice but I very seldom follow it
  7. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by GGG It seems there were a lot of relatively high profile people involved with him. It's honestly pretty disgusting. I'm not so biased as to keep liking Bill Clinton after this if he was found to be fucking children. It amazes me how anyone, especially women, could still support Trump when they'd rage at even the slightest allegation for anyone else. Especially Bill Clinton.

    Anyone who thinks this is a right/left issue is a propaganda munching fool. I really hope Clinton or Trump or SOMEONE spills all available beans.

    With shit the JP Morgan plane having like a billion dollars of drugs recently, the world just seems massively, unfixably corrupt.

    On a phone so this post is about 10% as angry as I'd like

    But if usa cant even get polanski how could they get him? Last I recall, polanski only was friends with the last president of france so why is it so difficult for usa to get him?
  8. Originally posted by toz I got to ask.. be serious for a moment. Do you really mean this or just being snarky and find all of this repulsive? I mean you could, with a clean mind (in the average perspective) say "yes, he taught them a good skill to manage money at a young age" yet it's as if you are not being sardonic or trolling about accepting young kids to prostitute themselves. Are you really for the legalization or condonment of 13 or younger prostituting themselves?

    you'll be amazed how their little eyes light up when they finally found out that the little secret they have down there which they have hitherto until then only known as their little pee pee can actually be used to more than just pee . . .

    that its also a commodity, that can also be used as a currency to get the things they fancy or some other basic necessities, and that they also need to be careful with it because inspite of its versatility their little private property can also be a grievious liability especially if they act all slutty and dress scantily,

    because thats just like asking to be a victim of robbery and have their privates used forcibly without being compensated monetarily.
  9. Originally posted by GGG Who taught you it was illegal? I don't understand why nobody told me and I'm pretty sure I only learned by googling 'why cant i find naked 13 year olds online" or some shit.

    it was a gradual change. like the alleged climate change.

    for those of us who have been lucky enough to have browsed the internet from the mid 90s will know that cps weren't illegal in those days, and that it did not became illegal overnight.

    at first it was rampant, and then it became shameful to look at those things. then it became unethical,

    and then the planes hit the towers.

    a few years and many tears after that it started to become 'wrong' to look at those things. and then slowly wrong turned to sick, and sick turned to fucked up before finally it went from being fucked up to being outrightly illegal.
  10. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    The internet started out like the wild west. I miss those days.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat Why is it polanski never got this much flak by the media baxk in the day and in fact got lraise or defended for it while the other girl got chased seound by paparazzi at school?

    WTF are you talking about. He got shitloads of "Flak" if he ever shows his face in the USA on soil he will be snatched up real quick.

    Alot of these brilliant people think that their social lives are above the law especially with underage they try to or have sex with.
  12. coricidin is dope af
  13. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The photographing and videotaping of naked children has been highly illegal for decades. Nothing at all changed when the Internet came out.
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Ghost He obviously has some sort of sex addiction. He needs Trianglism and an ayahuasca enema

    Maybe. But you know what he doesn't need?

  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL The photographing and videotaping of naked children has been highly illegal for decades. Nothing at all changed when the Internet came out.

    not at all.

    there are plenty of vintage, legal child pornography back in the 60s and 70s all the way thru the 80s.
  16. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny not at all.

    there are plenty of vintage, legal child pornography back in the 60s and 70s all the way thru the 80s.

    Bullshit. I was around in the '60's, so I know it was absolutely illegal to possess any kind of child pornography. Nice try on the history rewrite, kid.
  17. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Not according to Vouge or Polanski's lawyers since he was taking pictures of Geimer naked in a hot tub all legally. or ask the lapd why they never charged him with creating child porn?
  18. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Wariat Not according to Vouge or Polanski's lawyers since he was taking pictures of Geimer naked in a hot tub all legally. or ask the lapd why they never charged him with creating child porn?

    That was another "the fix is in" set up. Nothing to do with the law or any actual justice.
  19. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Again watch the documntary polanski wanted and desired. Nowhere in any of the interviews did thy claim child porn or did Vouge took any responsibility for sanctioning it. If it wasnt that mch diff then why are they going so hard on eppstein and not once have they even succeeded in extraditing polanski? Much less recharging him with new shit?
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat Again watch the documntary polanski wanted snd desired. Nowhere in any of thr interviews did thy claim child porn or fouge took any responsibility. If it wasnt that mch diff then why are they going so hard on eppstein and not once have they even succeeded in extraditing polanski? Much less recharging him with new shit?

    no but I know all about that gont, my older friend made the band "sharon tates" baby and he knew all kind of stuff because he works in the music industry and worked with a bunch of small hats.

    It's really going to be interesting how this plays out, if the gont just skates out like he's always done, or if he's done for and the house of cards start falling behin him. I'm pretty sure it will be an adolf zitler kinda thing and he is able to skate on by and go live in central america or something.

    theres not going to truly be a real "murica" unless people like this eat shit and die

    this one big conspiracy theory in the works just like 9/11, sandy hook ect..

    adolf was definitely a nazi bastard for sure but I think he was also used as a patsy

    unfortunately murica eats their own and even to other countries that helped them out just look what happened to gaddafi, while all the normal people are just left to look in awe

    sick sad world

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